
I’m constantly admonishing my 11 year old daughter about elbows on the table. I can’t stand it in most circumstances where knives and forks are called for. But there’s elbows on the table, and then there’s elbows on the table.

Am I the only person who never heard of Lori Loughlin until this whole tawdry scandal? Is she a bigger star than I realized? All this sense of entitlement, plus terrible optics - she just doesn’t seem powerful enough to justify her obvious hubris. Does she actually have die hard fans that will defend her to the end?

It is not unusual in Louisiana to punish children by putting Tabasco on their tongues. This always struck me as both a very uniquely local punishment and also a way to make kids hate Tabasco, which seems like a decidedly undesirable outcome for that region.

No kidding - who knew?

Her husband looks pretty awful, though. At least he understands the how much trouble he is in and/or the optics of walking around with a slight smile.

Right on. Nearly girl in my family has the middle name of Elizabeth. It’s a nice tradition.

Syllabub for a girl.

I like Jeanette! Might be too French sounding for Royal tastes, though. 

How about Spencer? Works for a boy or a girl, sounds kind of modern, and is a nice tribute to Diana’s family.

Maybe the baby should be called Adele Dazeem Mountbatten-Windsor...

Oops, I just posted this and you beat me to it! :)

Naw, these folks recycle names like crazy and nobody seems to care. I thought it was extremely weird that one of George’s middle names was Louis, but then they gave his little brother the name Louis for a first name!

I am 100% behind naming this child Pinky Tuscadero Mountbatten-Windsor, regardless of gender.

Kayden Jaxon or Diesel Dakota for a boy.

Thanks so much, your comment is very helpful!

I’m confused about how someone gets fake recruited to play a sport and then nobody notices that person is never on the field/in the boat/at practice, etc.

I don’t, but I’d love to read one! There’s got to be some research out there about it, it was such a big deal and then suddenly, not.

Here’s the thing - it wasn’t just him. There were so many clinicians all over the country (world?) who were older than me and who had a real tendency toward the woo factor. I got the giggles with a colleague so bad when I was in my early 20s - we attended a conference about teen mental health issues and a clinician

I hope so. My guess is that most of these young people were eventually treated with evidence based techniques for trauma survivors. The clientele tended to be pretty wealthy, so I would like to think at least some of them eventually got what they needed. It was so long ago, most of them would be in their late 30s and

I worked in a highly regarded psychiatric hospital in the early 1990s. The clinicians there were all about the Satanic Panic, and nearly every white adolescent who came in with a history of sexual abuse and dissociative disorder was pronounced to be “cult abused.” One clinician gave a big lecture to the rest of the