
We are the darkest timeline.

Poe’s law in action. A sufficiently advanced troll is indistinguishable from a genuine kook and the viewpoints of even the most extreme crank are indistinguishable from sufficiently advanced satire 

Yep. I have this problem on Instagram, where I follow The Onion, Clickhole, and a number of activists. While scrolling, I’ve laughed at a few headlines that turned out to be horrifically true, including one about a rapist going unpunished. The world is sickening.

They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.

Not to be a downer, but as a species, we work together and use our technology to kill way more people than this every day.

Yes, this and the Chilean miners story, similar ones, hearten me.

I hope that if Aliens are watching us, they’re paying close attention to things like this to get a glimpse of our true nature. I love these stories where people from all over rally their experience and technology to rescue people trapped in impossible situations.

Now playing

And it will be served to them by a Mexican! (Note the correct response by this police officer to being served food by possibly an undocumented immigrant just trying to make a living).

How much of a moron do you have to be? First off, the kids are being taken away from parents who are in a scarily large number of cases charged with either misdemeanors or nothing at all.

Humans are a virus, it’s hard to accept, but it is what it is.

Thoughts and prayers

Who has ever said Gizmodo was serious journalism

Yes politicians will try to cover their own asses.

A major US political party and its base attacking the FBI over investigations into russian campaign meddling....

Isn’t Trump the best at encryption, no one knows more about encryption more than Trump, ever, let me tell you, just the best.

The fact that someone mated with that bloated pile of sentient crisco is possibly the most disturbing thing so far.

I’m just waiting for the day when his smug most likely rapist arse is nabbed by the first bobby he passes leaving the Embassy.

Tip from an engine builder: #1 reason to let any car warm up - Aluminum expands at different rates than cast iron. Pistons are actually egg shaped when cold by .0001-.0002 when cold. As they heat up they become perfectly round. You don’t want to put the engine under load until that piston heats up properly.

Under 20F is extreme?