
Same in Saskatchewan. We are right on the edge of this cold but it was still a wind chill of -44 yesterday with the temp I think was -33 C. This is winter and nobody makes a big deal about it here but we expect this at some point.

Completely agree. I can’t believe some people hate their dog that much to hand them over to a stranger.

If they did that it would decimate all other colliders.

He won’t fire her, he is too much of a bitch to do it, he will do it by tweet or someone else will. 

What would be nice is if all reporters stood in solidarity and didn’t cover trump at all. His narcissistic personality craves, actually needs, an audience. If they didn’t give it to him he would lose his mind. He bitches about fake news and all that shit but in actual fact he can’t live without them. He is a

The funny thing is Captain Orange is saying the Democrats set up the caravan but the Republicans are the ones using it to scare people to vote for them. It seems more like the GOP set it up so they can say “This caravan is coming to invade the country with diseases and murderers” so his base will remain scared of the

If he doesn’t like it he can always leave, they aren’t holding him prisoner. 

Velcro’s give-a-shit meter seems pretty low compared to the others.

I wonder how long until this comes to the US. The only difference will be if it’s negative about trump it will be considered fake, all other news will be ok.

You will be one of the first to be enslaved by the robot overlords for not believing.

I will welcome our robot overlords as well.

I am glad he isn’t sleeping, the stress must be getting to him. Is it wrong to feel bad he is going through hell because, like you say, all his lies and bullshit are coming back to bite him on the ass?

Until she has something substantial she is white noise.

Like you I think some of them are satire but then find out it actually happened. This multiverse sucks, time for a trip on the return pad.

Saying it’s obvious is asinine. Nobody knows what Mueller has in regard to Russia collusion and he only lets out what he wants to. Unlike trump’s gaggle of idiots Mueller’s team doesn’t leak.  It doesn’t really matter though, trump is a criminal and will be caught. 

That would be sweet but no hope the current configuration of Congress will do anything. They are all complicit in trump’s actions.

I saw a tweet this morning from Geoff Bennet, a WH corespondent, who says a source tells NBC that Kennedy has been in negotiations with trump for months over his replacement. One Kennedy received assurances that it would be Kavanaugh he felt comfortable retiring.

The fact that the Orange Overlord thinks he is doing a great job should be all anyone needs to know about this asshole.

He made it clear when he tweeted “those people” and “invest our country”.

This is a great scene.