
Obligatory - just replace BMW with Apple:

Oh, they can have power all over the place. But if the TSA Anal Probe does not have power, they can’t do anything and must shut down.

Yeah, fortunately or unfortunately, I love where I’m at. The only way to fix this problem is to move into a house or possibly like a duplex. And with the way the real estate market is around here, my income would need to be twice as much in order to even *consider* being able to do that. I have no problem living in an

His handle is mallcrawler69

Net neutrality will be a package. For only $30 per month extra, we will guarantee you net neutrality!

To reiterate: 45 knows precisely what he’s doing. He’s a bigoted, xenophobic, racist, misogynist who has been, is, and always will be exactly this. Anyone who believes otherwise is delusional or complicit. If you can still support this assfucker, well... you don’t deserve to be called American.

I figured it was in the top half of the photo because all the sheep were at the bottom and I figured it wasn’t directly beside them already.

It’s over, Sheepanakin! I have the camouflage and the high ground!

Tactical nuclear strike also not out of the question.

Seems like typical human behavior: This now cheaper per unit? I’ll get more units.

What do you have against Zombies? I would think a mindless assembly line job would be literally right up their alley.

So, I guess it’s safe to assume the Russians have all this data now?

You sure there is a contract? They could’ve just bought a bunch of phones and sell them. If demand is high enough, price will go up. Also, russian joke, training for the new iphone (NSFW)

I don’t really get the hatred of Seth MacFarlane. He’s incredibly creative, smart, passionate about geeky things, and everyone who works with him seems to think he’s just an all-around good person.

The people on the fucking porch...

The DOJ did charge that lady who laughed at Sessions with a criminal act. I’d say we’re leaving the realm of tin-foil hat conspiracies, into an actual reality where our government, and it’s officials with easily bruised egos, start using the powers of the DOJ to go after people who simply like an anti-establishment

Like he thinks about anyone other than himself and maybe one or two people in the same room as him.

If you are going to make up words you should have at least gone ridiculous and used goodliest.

Clearly he does not understand the nature of the goodest doggo.

Was looking at the G5 before I bought the Asus. Was quite a bit more money for the unlocked version here in Canada. I don’t do the whole contract thing as I feel it’s a scam.