
I have worked down in the US a lot and that surprised me too. Even years ago we had recycling in offices here in Canada but none in the USI was at ever did. They said it cost too much.

Sadly I can’t see this happening although it would be great if it did.

He has the look of a serial killer or someone with zero empathy.

Her reports are becoming her resume to work for trump.

I’m guessing this was a Faux News storyline being repeated.

I’m fond of The Orange Idiot.

Was thinking the same thing.

“The Deal Maker” couldn’t deal a game of Go Fish but like you say, flatter him and he’ll do whatever you want thinking he made a deal. Xi is playing him, KJU is playing him, and Putin is certainly playing him. He honestly things in his own little pea brain he is doing all this and has no clue that he isn’t calling the

Was thinking the same thing. There will finally be some actual intelligence in the WH. It’s been well over a year, it would be about time.

I wonder if this is just the US as they haven’t mention other countries like Canada.

You’re American, why would anyone want yours?

Nice, changing it up a bit, you definitely are getting outside help. This out of the box thinking doesn’t seem like your original thought.

Wow, did you get help with that this time?

That take you all day to come up with that? You must be a fuckin genius.

You should kiss my ass.

You make it sound like humans aren’t doing their part to move it along faster which is short sighted.

Nothing to really get. His supporters are complete idiots and think he’s god/king and that it’s ok in a democracy so anything he does is ok but if others do it they are bad.

Of course it is. He knows he can make things like them losing value with a tweet so he does it. He won;t do direct action because he’s a cowardly pos and he has incredibly shitty lawyers. You can bet your ass Amazon has some pretty good lawyers and a suit against them would be stupid. I am betting he will tell

Maybe so but not at the rate they are/have gone. There wouldn’t be thousands of assholes hunting Rhinos for their horns or elephants for their tusks. The planet wouldn’t be warning to the point the ice caps are melting taking away habitat for polar bears. There are hundreds and hundreds of cases where man has caused

We don’t deserve this planet and the animals here. Humans are a plague on this earth.