
Thank you very much for this.

I wouldn’t suggest that to him, he would do it, he hates non whites that much.

Right now a move like this will only be a win for them, I honestly can’t see how this could possibly hurt them.

When I saw the title I immediately thought of Moonraker.

The answer to this is very simple. If you don’t like twitter deleting a bunch of foreign bots then don’t use Twitter, problem solved. Don’t whine because you think they are infringing on your right to free speech because they aren’t. They are dealing with bot accounts like users would expect them to. They are not anti

This makes perfect sense. They don’t want transparency, they want to run the country like a shitty company (with trump in charge it can only be shitty). The fewer FOIA requests the less the public knows. Win win for the orange idiot.

Then maybe you should quit you asshole. The stuff you are doing is pissing people off because it’s driven by profit and nothing to do with the environment.

I listen to it from time to time. I can almost see the movie play out as I listen.

Is that beside obscurity?

The general public loves stupid shit like this apparently. I personally think he’s an idiot and should be banned from youtube altogether but that’s me. The media should let him fade away into obscurity.

Great movie for the time is was released and fantastic soundtrack.

When I say make everyone nervous I meant thinking people, not his supporters.

That should make everyone else nervous if his base are ok with the fact he’s in bed with the Russians.

Keep in mind trump supporters aren’t known for being intelligent so actually looking into the reality of the photo is beyond them. His supporters would rather be spoon fed lies instead of actually getting off their ass and look for the truth. This is what is wrong with America.

So let me see if I got this correct. People are getting mad at FB because they are blocking Russian Propaganda? How stupid are trump supporters anyway? One of them above asked why they don’t block left pages. Well Russia isn’t targeting the left you idiot, they are targeting stupid people like you. It amazes me how

This is taking party size to a whole new level.

I trust FB as much as I would trust trump not to lie.

Working in Mexico for a few months this happened to me. The first month I was there I wasn’t that careful and was ok. The next month down I was super careful. Bottled water to brush my teeth etc (I was in a remote part of Mexico), no lettuce washed in tap water etc etc. I got really sick to the point where I lost 30

You did read the part where he said someone has already been killed over the dosier right? So not wanting to name sources makes perfect sense if you don’t want to see the sources be disappeared.

Yes because we wouldn’t want to parents to have to monitor what their children are doing online and how long they spend on devices. I mean parents have a phone to bury their nose in too, they don’t have time to be watching their kids. That was sarcasm for those who don’t get sarcasm.