
Ok so you’ve done it but I’m betting you don’t live in the climate where you have to do it for months not just once or twice. It was -35 deg here last week with -40 to -50 wind chill but gets much colder so yes I know -41 F is colder but not by much.

You obviously don’t live in a climate where it gets down to -35 deg C and not warming up your vehicle is stupid.

They are neck deep in all this and I would bet have taken a bunch of Russian money. I seriously hope assholes like Nunes get caught up in this and go to jail where they belong. It’s nice that Shiff put that out there but we all know nothing will happen, the scumbags on the GOP side will keep trying to protect

Kind of makes me want to go over there and shit on their cars.

Yeah companies sharing their security information with DHS, what could possibly go wrong.

I’m not on the same level of hate but I was disappointed. I honestly would have rather seen A New Hope remade verbatim with updated effects etc over this latest iteration of the Star Wars franchise. Having seen it I wouldn’t have been disappointed waiting for it to come to video.

They will now because of your comment :D. Mind you, I like to think thieves are stupid and can’t read so that may be a moot comment on my part.

Kind of surprises me there is no backup generator for the critical systems like runway lights etc. Maybe there is but it’s only to get the flights already on approach down and that’s about it. I know there would have to be several very large generators to run the airport but this seems like a good investment for one

Unless the constituents have a large checkbook they could die in a fire for all congress cares. Now more than ever they see the writing on the wall and know they are gone next year so they will try and screw everyone they can out of money before they go.

I would say move but that isn’t the answer, everyone can’t move when they are faced with the bullshit you are dealing with. It’s sad that is the way it is there. In Canada I have a choice no matter where I live, house or apartment. Yes there are only a few ISP’s but we have the ability to choose which is the way it

Nice words but it won’t stop Pai from making a shitload more money for Verizon and the other ISP’s. America is bought and paid for by the corporations everyone and decisions aren’t in the public interest anymore. Decisions like this are based purely on how much more money these companies can make.

Thinning out the herd, Darwin knew his shit.

While this is a good move I can’t help but think that he got Putin’s approval first because Putin has no stake in Kaspersky.

While I agree with your sentiment it’s still disturbing that half the voters voted for an accused pedophile.

Didn’t Elon Musk recently say he wanted to go to the moon and then Mars at which point Boeing stepped up and said they were going to do it too? Why is trump doing this now when he is trying to cut the income to the federal government and increasing the deficit at the same time? I know he sucks at running businesses

Having read the book a few times I really hope they don’t make a disaster of this movie. The book lead itself to being a perfect movie adaptation if they just followed it but for some reason I have a feeling it won’t be even close. I am hoping to be proven wrong.

I don’t think yours is a theory, I think you’re right. Every time something is about to happen he goes on a twitter rant. I’m thinking (hoping) Flynn rolled and the orange overlord got wind of it and he is falling back to his time tested distraction technique. Either way this was not something the POTUS should be

Seems low.

Maybe if everyone’s ISP bill goes way up and gets split into data packages for Netflix or Facebook or whatever else then there will be rebellion. As it is right now there are far too many people who are ignorant and think nothing will change or have no idea what NN is and don’t care. These same people don’t realize

Yeah screw the flames, nuke the whole place from orbit.