
Funny, that was my thought too that it would be above them to make attacking easier. Animals know just as much as humans it’s easier to attack downhill.

This shouldn’t be a shock to anyone. Must get phones out to Apple fanatics before Christmas. So what a few children die in China right? (that last was sarcasm).

With 2.4 million miles of pipelines in the ground in the US a spill will happen. This is kind of the price we pay for being able to drive cars and heat our homes. Without these pipelines the cost to deliver the products they carry would make the cost to consumers much higher. Yes these spills are bad news and nobody

This is because of two reasons. The first is Obama did this so he is reversing it and the other is so his shitbag kids can hunt elephants. This is beyond disgusting even for president assbag. He should allow GOP trophies instead.

trump is as big a buffoon as you can get in a single person but this is not news worthy whether it’s coming from CNN or Fox (as an example). He is doing what Abe is doing and I’m sure it was clearly with instructions. Also, I am not thinking they would give him more food than they would normally feed the fish and how

I’m in Canada and I pay $180 for a ton of channels, HBO, movies, and 150 Meg internet. I think it’s about average for here and we have only two choices where I live and this is the better deal.

Yeah no kidding. They really do like their little bubble over there don’t they.

None of these stories are very shocking to me. I am Canadian and have traveled to the US many many times. When you get to the border it’s a crapshoot on who you will get. You either get the power tripping asshole who thinks it’s his personal mission in life to protect the country from innocent people or you get the

Isn’t this type of maneuver basically what this truck was designed for?

Not sure why she thinks she has any credibility to talk about technology when her former job is a “fashion designer”. She really is useless to the country and should go back to getting massages or whatever the hell it is she does.

Welcome to the New United States where freedom to protest has been removed and replaced with a fascist regime who will try to punish anyone who doesn’t agree. Yeah he drained the swamp but filled it will assholes who are a thousand times worse than anyone in government ever. Hell I’m not even American and I used to

This Act I believe

Not illegal for you to delete a tweet but it’s illegal for the POTUS to delete them due to the Presidential Records Act.

I guess at this point whether or not it’s illegal is a pointless argument. trump has already proved that anything he does he can get away with so what’s the point of mentioning it. The GOP don’t seem to care and they are the only ones who can do anything about it so he keeps merrily getting away with anything he does.

Well I read the title wrong, too early I guess. trump is still an asshole for calling KJU Rocket Man and threatening NK though. He really wants to start a war in the worst way.

So let me get this straight. trump call KJU Rocket Man and whatever else but when they call him names it’s a deceleration of war? So this is the ware trump has wanted/needed to deflect from Russia. He is so eager to start a war he will go to any lengths. NK is the only country he can pick on because he thinks that

I am just repeating what I read (or saw on a documentary, Cyberwar maybe) and the people they were interviewing were saying that. Maybe they were wrong maybe not but it didn’t surprise me considering the US view on drugs of any kind (at the federal level). Also the fact that countries like Russia and China would hire

They may not have got into the “meat” of the SEC but the fact is they got in. Cyber security of government entities is very important and the fact that hackers are getting in shows that the government is lacking in security. I read or saw on a show once that countries like the US are far behind the hackers because

This is why I don’t sync any of my devices with “The Cloud”. There are far too many companies who are lax with their cyber security to trust my data to any of them. I back my stuff up locally at home where it belongs imo.

These companies that have sensitive information should fall under the rules of FERC or something similar. They should have to maintain the same security as utilities because of the information they have. The fact that this was allowed to happen is ridiculous.