
So a company that has enough information on millions of people to basically steal their identity doesn’t need to do security audits? The fact that this was allowed to happen and it isn’t being flagged as a disaster is insane. Basically they have all the information that anyone could use to steal someone’s identity and

Can someone please explain to me why people have to have to latest iphone no matter the cost? There are much better phones available for much less money. I just don’t see the attraction to a new iphone every year. Hell, I don’t see the attraction to the iphone period but that’s me.

This had to be a pretty expensive test I would imagine.

You are assuming trump can read more than 140 characters at a time.

This is just another trumpism that will get swept away and forgot about. He is only concerned about lining his pockets and helping out his rich “friends”, he could give a single shit about anyone else in the country. He doesn’t even hide the bullshit he is pulling because nobody is doing anything about it. He merrily

WTF is wrong with that cop? Is he just a power tripping asshole? She is doing her job and upholding hospital policy protecting a patient who can’t speak for himself and she gets treated like this? I sincerely hope this cop get disciplined and she gets at the minimum a formal apology. 

So let me get this straight. The man avoided the draft with made up bullshit illnesses and now he wants to ban transgender people from fighting for the country. He really is a piece of dog shit isn’t he. There are so many more issues that should be at the top of the list but he picks something that his bigot

Was looking at the G5 before I bought the Asus. Was quite a bit more money for the unlocked version here in Canada. I don’t do the whole contract thing as I feel it’s a scam.

I have the Asus zenphone 3 and the fingerprint reader is on the back in what I would say the perfect position. I pick up the phone and my finger just ends up in the right spot. Asus really did this well imo.

I was thinking the same thing. I get what they are trying to do safety etc but to be locked out from using the device I likely paid good money for is over the top.

Assange is an asshole and most likely Putin’s puppet. Himself and many others think he is doing great work but in the end he probably causes more harm than good.

Dissolve the council before they all quit. Nice try Donnie but we know the truth.

trump is the scary one, not NK.

To deny climate change these days just screams ignorance and stupidity. Yes the climate does change naturally and has in the past but the fact of the matter is man has accelerated the process dramatically and it needs to be address. By trying to sweep it under the rug trump only shows he is ignorant and doesn’t give a

I won’t go looking for the leaked episode online, I don’t mind waiting for the show to air. It’s always worth the wait and reading a script wouldn’t be very exciting to me.

Or at least the 36% who still support him.

I would go back in time and kick trump’s dad in the nuts just before he was to conceive this failure of a man.

trump seriously thinks that Apple will build plants in the US and create thousands of jobs? This shows how clueless he really is. If Apple did build plants in the US they would be heavily automated and likely only employ a few hundred engineers and other highly specialized jobs. There is no way they would build a

In my mind I stopped at “Put all the deniers in a room” at which point I thought just lock the door to that room and throw away the key. I say this because if a scientist can deny that man is not changing the climate then they should be locked away.

He is only doing this to deflect from all things Russia. He knows there is something there and he is up to his ass in trouble. The man is useless as a leader, nobody respects him and to top it all off, he’s an asshole. The tweets get worse as the more Russia stories come out.