
Of course it has the backing of the WH, they stand to get a shit ton of money from the telecom companies (on top of what they have already received). Everything is for sale even if it royally screws the American people. What a joke your government is.

Good for them. I don’t think the guy got beat enough but he did get subdued so that’s good.

trump is such an asshole and I honestly feel sorry for all of America that didn’t vote for him. The worst part is everyone gets to suffer under his orange tainted dictatorship, not just the morons who voted for him.

Actually devs are coming out with AAA titles for VR. I don’t know what exactly but I’ve read Valve is working on three big games, UBI, others too. VR isn’t dying it will get more popular as it becomes more affordable. You are right though, so far it’s been wave shooters and tech demos but there are some good games out

That’s not really a distinction in the eyes of people who hate. Sure he says radicalized but do you think Mr. Racists Asshole is going to ask “Are you radicalized” before he goes after a brown person? This is basically saying go after brown people and if they aren’t radicalized oh well, they should be gone anyways.

You shouldn’t feel sorry for them at all. They are likely billing him around $1000 an hour and I’m sure if there is a way he will be getting the taxpayers to pay for it.

What an embarrassment.

Same here. I don’t have a potato by any means and the load times were terrible. There were some time when it would load in about 20-30 seconds but most of the time it was minutes. I honestly stopped playing the game because it was so bad.

I’m looking forward to it, I think it will be funny. You really can’t tell what a series will be like from a two minute trailer but this looks like it will be entertaining.

I have the same one shown above and use it pretty much as soon as I sit down on my couch. I usually don’t have the attention span to watch most TV or a movie but with this I sit right through. Not sure the science behind it but it’s a great thing to have lying around.

They shouldn’t be allowed to anything after this. Trump and the current administration are a freakin disaster.

This is crazy, attacking medical facilities. As I understand this was patched out by MS in March so there should be no excuse for this happening if IT kept up to date with patches.

Same goes for Canada. We have a maniac lying crazy man running the country next door.

How can anyone believe anything he says? He has been lying in his private business for years and if anyone thinks he will stop lying as president they are fools. He doesn’t even seem to be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction. Nice president you have there America.

I think my dog is smarter than him. At least she knows when she has screwed up.

Screw coal, he’ll have the sailors rowing.

Sure they are but both parties aren’t running the country.

Apparently neither was Nixon.

So the US is now a banana republic, good to know.

I think the intelligence level of Fox viewers is substandard. They believe anything said there and also believe all Trump’s lies. Fox preys on the fact that the weak minds watching them will swallow the bullshit no matter what. The worst part is this makes up around 40% of the population in the US and that is scary.