
This article should be spread everywhere so people can see what Trump is all about. More people need to know he’s a lying asshole who only cares about himself, not the people.

No wonder Trump would be honored to meet him, they are both crazy as shithouse rats.

Hey thank you for the answer, good read. I do want to say something about one of your comments about social healthcare. The propaganda you see is not necessarily accurate and is likely just that, propaganda to scare people from the possibility of social healthcare.

Is it my imagination or does Ryan look like a smug little asshole.

As a Canadian I have been following the shit show since The Orange Overlords inauguration and learning about healthcare in the US. By all accounts this bill will cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. I simply don’t understand why the government hates non rich people. Can someone explain to me what the American

Maybe he thinks the space council will bring him closer to God.

I wouldn’t read her book on the shitter.

This is pretty much what’s happening. He seems to really hate Obama and not sure if it’s racial or just pure hate.

We can’t have the pesky environment stand in the way of companies that want to make more money. With my tax breaks and environmental deregulation they will be making huuuuge money. This is why you elected me, to MAGA but only for corporations. I really don’t care about anybody but them because the rest of you are just

I think it’s because Obama was an actual president and not some tweet happy idiot. I’m not sure if you have looked at his twitter but he says some radically stupid stuff there and invites it. The people who tweet back with some pretty hateful stuff don’t even try to hide who they are. I do read many of the responses

Sadly a lot of people still don’t realize that’s the only reason he’s doing this. The man is unstable and will cost a lot of lives just to make himself look good and get out of his abysmal poll numbers. Nothing he does is for anyone but himself.

Nobody wants a war, you’re not alone in that. With NK pushing Kim’s buttons is the wrong way to go. He has been mostly posturing but he may decide to strike first which would put a lot of people at risk. Trump doesn’t care because he only needs a distraction regardless of human cost.

I think America lost credibility when they elected a billionaire pervert who grabs women by the pu**y and said “If Ivanka wasn’t my daughter I would date her” which rates a 10 on my creep-o-meter.

I think he’s as bad a criminal as anyone. In his mind he thinks what he does is magnanimous but at the end of the day he has no idea who he might hurt with his leaks nor does he care. I hope they laugh him out of the UK. 

I have the Vive and enjoy the hell out of it. Sadly there isn’t a lot of big games yet but some are coming as more and more people get their hands on one. But anything to do with FB like the Oculus is fail imo. They want to be the only one in the game with exclusives etc where Valve and Vive go for the open concept.

I wouldn’t think some internet blog would be held to the same standards as the Secretary of Educatuon or the WH.

Shouldn’t this raise alarm bells to the administration when the cabinet needs 24/7 security because of decisions they make. Devos needs security because she is fucking up the education system now this asshole needs it because he is gutting the EPA. I would think they would step back and say “Hey, maybe these decisions

No kidding. His side of the story is he was beaten to get him off the plane from a seat he paid for. The video says it all.

Just like there is no such thing as a bad bj.

Yeah no kidding. Instead of just reporting the story on its merits they decide to see if they can dig up dirt on the guy for whatever reason. Whatever he did in the past doesn’t change the fact he got beaten to give his seat to someone else.