
The fact that they wanted to kick passengers for staff is the problem. Why should a passenger get kicked off a flight they paid for so an employee can ride? United screwed the pooch on this one and they should pay for it. I honestly hope they lose business from this.

From what I understand flight personnel get paid when the cabin door is closed until it’s open again. These employees were not getting paid so overtime wouldn’t have been an issue if they stayed behind. Paying passengers should get priority over moving employees around.

I really hope so because this is bullshit. No matter what he shouldn’t have his own blood on his face being asked to leave the plane unless he did something violent. Not wanting to give up your seat because they fucked up is no excuse. This is another case of power tripping security or police getting carried away. Yes

The deflector in chief has gone too far this time. I mean tweeting stupid shit to deflect from Russia is one thing but dropping bombs on a country who has not attacked the US or any of it’s citizens is over the top. This will get ugly and who the hell knows what this asshole will do next. Trump is a very dangerous

The best part is he will tweet it.

You forgot “bad people” and “Bigly”

Considering The President only watches Fox and likely do most of his followers everything is fake news to them. If Trump says it’s fake it must be. The thing is the educated people of the country know better and can tell the bullshit form the real. With any luck/hope, there is more of these people in 2018 that the

Yeah but Cersei is a nutjob already she just comes across as sane because she has some great schemes.

That’s funny, I was thinking that Jon and Dany are going to end up getting together and taking out Cersi and ruling Westeros.

Poor wording on my part.

I am not saying everyone become an engineer but we will need more and more as technology grows. “Experts predict that the stock of robots in the US will quadruple by 2025, jumping to 5.25 more robots per thousand workers (there are currently about 1.75 industrial robots in the US per 1,000 workers).” This tells me

There will always be humans until Skynet becomes aware. Until then yes machines will take over jobs but they won’t replace all jobs. It’s a fact people will be displaced by machines, that is the way the world is going. We aren’t creating less tech we are creating more, this is a fact. But even in fully automated

I really didn’t mean for everyone to become an engineer I was just using that as an example.

Settle down man I was just using it as an example. We are becoming a more technological world and will need more people to maintain and build that tech. I think it’s great you are a musician because I respect talent but I don’t suppose you actually design and build a midi device or guitar pedal that you might use. Of

Taxing robots is a stupid idea. So basically tax a business simply because they want to become more efficient? This is about as asinine as it get imo. Putting automation in is something that every company would love to do because machines don’t get hurt, don’t take sick days, and work 24/7 no matter what. This

This is what I mean. Having Nunes in charge is a joke as he is clearly Trump’s bitch. He will derail and hide anything that will compromise Trump. Welcome to the new normal.

This guy is an idiot. I do automated controls and have been for 15 years and I can say automation is becoming more and more a regular thing. Machines don’t take sick time, they don’t hurt themselves or are late for work. They are a larger investment up front bu pay for themselves in no time. This is just another

Sadly this makes little difference in the overall picture except that it shows that without an independent investigation the whole Russia thing will be swept under the rug. Trump will keep getting away with his bullshit.

I was agreeing with you about not checking any of those items as to me my reg and computer are life and death (potentially) and my camera is expensive. The only difference is I would put the housing in checked as it is very large and cumbersome. I didn’t equate rig with housing in your comment.

UK Has but not Canada yet.