Smoking Mirror

River's consciousness shows up and helps everyone who ever died download into a physical form on a remote but human habitable alien world…that they call Riverworld.

THE DOCTOR: But why? Why are you doing this?!
THE MASTER: Because you ate my fries.

It might be because he keeps coincidentally running into the hottest young women in Britain throughout its history, and that's heavily colored his position on the nation.

I thought about that too, and I my best guess is that their Robozionism was an entirely separate goal that only coincidentally had a similar religious theme to Missy's Heaven.

Yeah, and her stories were shit, but the fandom loves all of the Renegade Time Lords. And the Rani is female, a mad scientist, and loves dinosaurs, so there's a lot of things the fandom would latch onto.

The Gomez Master, I guess. The pattern's always been the (Actor's Name) Master, probably because we don't know what regenerations he's on when we see him.

He was having a little Man of Steel Zod-pwning cry about it, though.

"Sure, put our entire HQ on a mundane plane. It's literally inconceivable that alien invaders would have anti-air ordnance."

That musical sting and entrance was brilliant, and then they did a weird cut to a reaction shot and concealed the rest of the landing behind a grave stone, blowing the scene.

Wait a minute, the British don't elect prime ministers, right? Aren't they're picked by their party or coalition's MPs?

It's actually sci-fi law that any British property that existed during the 80s has to have a weird period of punk-style, mutants everywhere, and Thatcher-hate. (See 80s Who, esp. "Happiness Patrol," everything in 2000AD, the works of Alan Moore and Grant Morrison, and Warhammer 40,000's Ork Warboss Gazghkull Mag Uruk

So Santa Claus is totally the Meddling Monk, right? Jolly fat man, semi-religious figure, managed to be "hanging on" around the TARDIS after it visited the empty space where Gallifrey once was, Santa's sleigh would be a great TARDIS…Eh? Eh?

The doe-eyed abyss gazes also.

Bring back the Zygon double..All the plucky adorable traits, but also a shapeshifting alien monstrosity.


Osgood totally has a tumblr filled with self-diagnosed mental illnesses. Just the quirky ones, though.

It was pure realpolitik. "So, yeah, do we let America implode now and let the British swoop in, or do we do delay this issue for another day?"

Soooo…we were supposed to take that "Breathe me" song literally?

I thought it was going to be a racial satire, but it was actually a bewildering fever dream acted and produced by the inmates of an insane asylum.