Smoking Mirror

The really goddamn confusing thing is that "Rand" is the main character of the one that isn't Randian.

The Lady is the best Sauron/Waifu.

I guess so. The small hints that he was up to something with the Sharans, especially that first glimpse in the 6th book, were very vague, but enough for me, but I can definately see how it can be seen as insufficiently foreshadowed.


By book 7, more than one of the female characters actually crashed in a
10 Tug at braid
20 GOTO 10
looping error.

The sad thing is, there is a really great, perhaps an all time time great, six novel series buried in those 14 books.

I was just in a Barnes and Noble yesterday, the mountain sized one in New York City's Union Square, and came across hard copies that have that same art as those eBooks,but set in a classy frame that looks like fake leather or something. I noted it was a huge improvement on the terrible 90s covers which depicted

Rename the entire universe "Batmen & Friends."

Well, they're kind of right; the Torah and Tanakh outline a form of indentured servitude that wasn't heritable, had strict legal limits, and ended during the Jubilee, so it is quite different than Roman slavery and the later Muslim/European African/Transatlantic slave trade that we're more familiar with.

"Listen…eat…my…Tralfamadorian…ass…Germans!…motherfuck!" - the New International Smoking Mirror Version of' Slaughterhouse Five (Revised for young readers)

I think he doesn't loath himself enough.

But how could anyone care who he is unless he puts on the mask?

True. Jakita's face never quite settled in during Planetary's run, frequently developing a man jaw and sunken eyes, while he did great work with the male cast. Maybe it's because his faces tend to have a craggy, heavily shadowed quality, which fits better on men or more masculine looking women.

You can't be racist against dragons.
Nobody is more privileged than dragons.

"This Week on Adolf Wölfli Presents: Friends!"

Yeah, a large undercurrent of Arabic social media is blaming it on a Mossad false flag because France supported Palestinian statehood and because Muslims can do no wrong.

- Judaism basically only has the Noachide laws for gentiles. It's not really concerned much with gentiles otherwise, especially after Genesis.
- Christianity is entirely universal in its ideas of sin and need for grace.

I'd like to see a source.
Conservatives I've seen have been entirely supportive of the cartoonists.

Let me tell you about the Seljuks…