Smoking Mirror

His wife Aisha was betrothed to him at the age of six, and consumated when she was nine, according to ahadith such as Sahih al-Bukhari.

Oh yeah, I know I should be seeing Davidson, but the hilarity of the megalilith antimatter dick helmet won't let me.

Yeah, if a writer is going to end his story with a big visual showpiece, maybe he should reconsider submitting it to a radioplay format that lacks a narrator. Hell, …ish probably would have benefited from the Doctor becoming his own narrator in that subrealm created by words he was in.

I liked Omega, but it does have a bit of a problem with retroactively visualizing how everything was "actually" going down once you get the end of part III reveal, and the climax was a bit hard to visualize too.

It's weird that Tegan wound up with her own personal recurring supervillain who didn't really give a shit about the Doctor.

I unironically love those stark black and white uniforms from the first Ice Warriors serial. Especially that lead female character's dress with the black spots.

Yeah, it feels about as genuine as European neo-paganism trying to reclaim their culture's roots by taking a bunch of symbols and using them to reskin a watered down version of Christianity or Modernist philosophy. The old ways have been abandoned, and there's no real reason to get upon on a high horse about who owns

Those symbols are DEEPLY important and meaningful to a people who turned their back on their entire religion in favor of Islam!

The funniest theory is that the Hebrews were actually the Hyksos and #Rekt the Egyptians and then trolled them by making the km.t-kntz out to be the bad guys.

Don't knock it, it worked.

Everyone's thinking that the "scene after the credits" is Korra and Asami scissoring in the spirit world, but it's totally Mako seeing them fade away, going blank, and firing a bolt of lightning through his own head.

"Kuvira did nothing wrong." - anonymous, /pol/

Korra did it at the end of season 1 and at various times during season 2.

Oh fuck, why wasn't he the entity used in Vaatu's place?

Every series is so obsessed with threat escalation that I'm glad to see a show that had its biggest threat in season 2 of all things before returning to a pretty average baseline in its latter two. Korra went up against a Communist Terrorist to THE EVIL GOD to Anarchist Terrorist to Sexy Mao, and it worked for me. It

Colbert, Korra, Craig Ferguson, KSerial…Everything I like that starts with a /K/ sound ended in a two day period.

And unlike certain Kryptonians that shall remain nameless, Korra really couldn't have EASILY diverted the bad guy out of the city.

Anyone want to bet on how many rows a "Korrasami" Google image search takes to turn up some Deviantart Mako cuckolding porn?

"Book 5: Water is the Warmest Element"

No, total vampire genocide would be the best outcome for humanity and the other species in the World of Darkness. They were parasites. Parasites who had affable personality traits at times, but their existence was a Bag Thing in universe (unlike werewolves, who protected the natural order from a cosmic force of