Smoking Mirror

Dear Han Overlords,

The Imperial system unit is the peckerrage, and conversion works on a 1 micro-agression: 2.31 peckerrage.

If there's one thing I know about video games, it's to stay far away from any form of community or discussion of them if you can't stand cringing and grinding your teeth into a fine powder.

There are a million internet articles by non-Americans complaining about how Americans make them tip at restaurants and say stupid phrases (fries instead of crisps, trunk instead of boot, car instead of mechanohorse) and eat gross food, presumably after Americans forced them to travel to the US at gunpoint.

Stop avcommentorsplaining. How else are you going to shut down all opposition on a topic?

Everyone wants the sun to keep burning, but as soon as you start ripping out hearts to feed it you're suddenly monsters. #NotAllTeotl

That's what I did, and it'll be great.

Romania's greatest hero!

But Barbara ran over Daleks with a lorry and wound up in Tenochtitlan and was all, "you know what? I think I'll be a god today."

Oooh, a totally mundane but looney human fan with sinister intentions towards the Doctor could be a really creepy one-shot villain.

Clara's last episode sees her visit the gas giant whose rings are entirely made of dead Claras.

The Great Intelligence - one of the coolest and most unexpected old school returns- really deserved better, didn't it?

Travel to the future and steal whatever (presumably shark-fin-based) longevity treatments the August Lord-Governors of the British Prefecture of the Greater Middle Kingdom are using to stay immortal.

The Doctor Whoniversetting is so stuffed to the gills that there actually is a race of intelligent alien tigers. It was called the Year of Intelligent Tigers.

"So this machine can travel through time? So I could, say, visit everyone in history?" asked Dodgson.
"Well, you're going to die someday," said the Doctor. "I'd suggest skipping the more boring types."
"But I could still meet anyone I wanted…and during their childhoods?" asked Dodgson sweetly, as dark plots filled his

The obligatory Robo-Nutcrackers and actual rat-man Rat King would be pure horror.

He's only a couple of months old, after all.

Millennials really need to change their attitudes on race. Those of previous generations are far superior.

He changes his overcoat only a little more frequently than he dies, really. It's unsettling.

You were my favorite character on Farscape.