Smoking Mirror

He's apparently really buddy-buddy with Ellen Page, which is a strange celebrity friendship.

This… This is what I'm talking about. This is what I mean when I'm
talkin' about tininess, and smallness, and general dwarfality. All right there are broader ideas at work, mainly what is owed between us as a society for our
mutual heightism. 14 straight hours of staring at Ellen Page posters, these are the
things ya

"Racial Holy War" or ZOG

And the crew walks right past Zhaan, D'argo, John, Aeryn, and Chianna as they shake down the Shadow Depository…

They have better lighting. It no longer looks like a telenovela.

I'm sorry that you were shot up into space and forced to watch this show. :(

It worked for Safety Not Guaranteed, after all.

This is one of those lines you see and think, "damn, why didn't I write that?"

Classical Cassius and EDM Brutus immediately begin conspiring against him to preserve the Rockpublic.

I think we just have to accept that Kanye is one of the most inscrutable figures in human history.

"Being afraid is all right. Fear is a superpower. It makes me faster, and cleverer and stronger. Fear…I'll teach them to fear. They'll listen to me. No, they'll obey me."

Stephen Colbert is shitting his pants - right now, in the distant future.

The never quite could settle on a tone for the Gallifreyans, could they? Some times they're basically humans enhanced with sci-fi technology, other times, as in the War Games, they seem to be nearly godlike with the Doctor actually being somewhat diminished and weak in power by comparison (they were originally

Weren't they still keyed into the TARDIS' telepathic circuit whosawhatsit at that point?

In American On Purpose, Capaldi comes across as a sexy punk rock Messiah, and it's amazing.

More like Leviathan, amiright?

Minbari not saying something they obviously should leading to disaster and Sheridan being endangered WE HAVE COME FULL CIRCLE

That's Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron."

Delenn walks in on his corpse, fakes a suicide, writes an inspiring spiritual text that inspires the Rangers to new heights until she cracks under pressure and admits that it was a forgery.

Man, a lot of people from this show are dead. Like, a weirdly high percentage.