Smoking Mirror

Also, it's one of those great Moffat "Jesus Christ, it's a fucking TIME machine," moments. Of course he can just leave them behind and revisit them whenever he feels like it - even if it's subjectively three minutes for them and three decades for him - as long as they don't get angeled.

Holy shit, what if Afghanistan is still going on centuries from now, making them technically veterans of the same conflict?

But…but… my "Moffat is a misogynist monster" narrative

Normally it would seem like a waaay far out there theory, but this season's Big Bad/Arch thingymaMissy appears to be snatching recently dead people out of time and depositing them in an incredibly Anglo-Saxon "Heaven," so the idea that he was snatched out of time at the moment of death and deposited back in time

The Daleks and Cybermen have been kicking the "Resistance is futile/useless" line back and forth since the 70s.

Isn't "buttoned-up personality" an English-language idiom for that exact personality type?

"What, you don't like 'the buttoned up suit, no tie' look? This is the height of fashion, in Space Iran."

I will go out on a limb and say that his 15-minute Superman/Giant Mechanical Spider speech is one of the funniest monologues I've ever heard. If you ever want to just smile for a long goddamn time.

It's as if Pete Best never left.

Weibe has kind of a Nathan Fillion quality, right?

Eh, that's just our culture. A Mexican kid is chingón as fuck by the time they leave diapers.

Wait, is "rape-rock" an actual subgenre out there, that exists and real people make and listen to?

Her head exploded from the metal-confined forehead-chi-backlash. There's no way she could have survived- Lin and her sister are right there when it happens, and never act like P'Li was still alive. And she never shows up again, which is PG for DEAD.

OK. I remembered one race of evil Greys obsessed with horrific medical experiments, and saw another race of Shadow-serving Greys committing horrific medical experiments and assumed they were the same.

I just had a thought - remember that giant, invisible Servant of Darkness, and those weird Shadow-aligned surgeons (were they the Streib?) that worked on rigging up the telepaths?

They often performed American, and particularly Southern, classics with a Disco-era South African flare - "Pretoria on my Mind," "That Ol' Black Indigenous Religion (That Must Be Suppressed)." "You're the Cream in My Coffee (And Must Be Kept Pure), "On the Amanzimtoti, Tsitsikamma, and Sonderend," and that classic,

They also exist in our world, which proves that God doesn't.

"The prizes will get bigger and bigger. Heh, heh."

That would be terrible.

Tom Waits, especially, never rested on his laurels. He got old (though Tom Waits was always at least 50 years old, from birth), and then got weirder, more experimental, and fun.