Smoking Mirror

The leaked first season finale has him getting drunk and establishing Christianity as the state religion of Rome, and then he teams up with a washed-up former bandmate to fight an insane, mutilated, three-winged angel.

This. Angel and Faith are worth while. Little else is.

And a centaurette!

It can only end in a mutual Luxan tongue/Vulcan nerve pinch knockout.

Any of the non-Starfleet characters on DS9 would be pretty good in the Uncharted Territories, really.

The answer to the question, "What if Fabio had a cult and a superpower, and for some reason pronounced it like a douche?"

"We could TRY learning some Mandarins, that one with three hundred dialects but no written vowels, and that one where OUGH can sound like anything, OR we could drop an asteroid on them."

"Ser" y "estar."

The bad guy from V for Vendetta?

The pak'ma'ra are probably the nicest race in the setting, and chosen of God.

"Babylon 5 was our last, best hope for peace…

Huh, it's kind of off point, but you got me thinking about the geo(Cosmo?)politics of the setting, and I'm wondering how the Narn are even a power anymore.

PLOT TWIST: Telepaths go to hell when they die, no exceptions.

To be fair, it seemed like Byron's group wanted not only a planet, but autonomy, and I doubt the Narn or whatever would just hand over a habitable planet without some strings attached.

The Fall of Centauri Prime and much of its surrounding arc is worthwhile, too.

A Nightwatch-Daywatch/Nightman-Dayman episode would justify the fuck out of this show.

It's still on Univision. I can't tell if it's good or not since just the existence of it is so fucking surreal. It remakes many scenes with the cornier latinoamericano television style, which, to someone who's really into Anglo TV, is really cringe-worthy at times. The acting and production values are inferior, yeah,

Naw, at the time (Civil War era to just past the turn of the 20th century) the Democrats were the conservatives and the liberals were the Republicans. Afterwards, it got fairly muddled with populist and progressive strains in both parties, but the Democrats were solidly establishment until the middle of the century,

Complete with ripped-open stomach and shrieking, Kuato-esque reanimated fetus.

…therefore, you cannot criticize them.