
This is what Lovefool would sound like if Lovefool were awful. God, Gwen, I thought you were so cool when I was 15.

They do seem to be very close, though that recent episode with Kendall and the VS show makes me wonder. “You can come to the fucking AFTER-PARTY!” lol.

Honestly, I think Kourtney looks pretty great.

I have the impression Caitlyn likes to (try to) one up the girls.

I’m so sick of this bullshit. “Responsibility” my ass.

This is truly beautiful. Thank you.

This isn’t particularly directed at Jia.

Paternalistic horseshit. Things like this make me seethe.

Because I did a Ph.D. and repayment didn't begin until after I finished.

This scares me shitless. I’m only 35, and have done everything “right,” but I'm broke as a joke. Between a divorce (that I didn't want) and my fucking student loans (that I took out at 22 when I didn't know any better) I'm afraid I'll never recover financially. I have no other debt, and am frugal to the point of