This woman worships Mammon.
This woman worships Mammon.
This is why black women say, “solidarity is for white women” because these calls to “come together” always happen when black women bring up the racial dynamic and how that plays into the sexism they face.
A gun nut is a gun nut, no matter the country. They are violent assholes.
There is a time and place. This was not one of them.
If you are black, they will arrest you because they have a witness saying you assaulted them. If you are white, they make up their own laws on the spot so that they don’t have to arrest you.
Apparently not, because they haven’t charged this man with anything.
You offered one example from Louisiana. That man is a stranger. They are not friends. They have no relationship at all.
You don’t get any connections doing work for free. The other reporters don’t give a shit about you. The copy editors don’t give a shit about you. The editors don’t give a shit about you. You are disposable. You don’t matter.
Don’t you know that white feelings are more important than black lives? Fuck her, her children, her grandchildren and her great grandchildren. Fuck them all.
LOL. Take a seat.
I wish someone would open up the books on the cops. I mean everything. From their disciplinary files to the emails that are in relation to the disciplinary process to how many times they lie on the stand to how many times they lie on their timesheets. There is no reason to believe any cop at all.
This is bullshit.
Elias Mestizo, another middle school teacher, said to the Daily News regarding Engelhardt. “I was talking to parents today, and all spoke highly of her.”
You didn’t post the law in Texas, where this took place. You posted a law in another state that does not apply at all. And once again, go ask a stranger if you can wash their child and then file a police report when they deny you. After all, if parents do it, why can’t strangers?
These damn millennials.
Parents also wash their children all the time. Per your argument, it is unfair that they also don’t let strangers wash their children as well.
It gives an example that does not pertain to what we are talking about! Texas has different laws than Louisana. Keep the fuck up.
So, a 7-year-old black boy is not a child now? What a waste you are. And THIS white man didn’t get charged with anything. Other people getting charged doesn’t mean shit.
So, why didn’t he encourage is fellow “Christians” to come together under Obama? Fuck this guy. I hope this lady uses some of that money to donate to the NAACP, PP, and other groups this asshole hates.
This took place in Texas. Please keep up.