smoking like a chimney

Because he didn’t believe the testimony because he, like you, think that black people’s word is less than a white man’s. Also, assault is assault. You don’t know that he wasn’t hurt. You just know that the cop determined that he wasn’t hurt...but this is also the same cop who thinks that it is ok to ASSAULT CHILDREN

Why is Inida Arie wasting her breath on Chrisette Michelle? What is this nonsense? We can criticize Michelle but can’t say, “cancel chrisette michelle 2017"? Did you provide a list of approved words that she feels we can say?

Well, apparently the level is none because the man has not been charged at all.

So, the cop has a history of excessive force against black people, but that is ok to you. Which is understandable since you believe that ASSAULTING A CHILD is ok when they are black.

You are justifying his behavior because you keep harping on this littering thing. It does not absolve the man. It does not make the man’s actions right. HE ASSUALTED A CHILD. THAT IS FACT.

Its an alternative fact in the alternative NBA.

They don’t have a pension or a 401K. That’s why they want to stick it to the elites, remember?

Trump supporters are “supposedly” the down trodden forgotten white man who is out of work and has no prospects. They don’t have Charles Schwab acccounts. At least that’s what the media says.

Everything you stated in pure speculation as was the cop. He just at a split moment decided that the testimony from the victim was nothing because she was angry that a grown man assaulted her child. She doesn’t have to mention it because their history is not what is the issue. The issue is that a CHILD WAS ASSAULTED.

That’s not true. Brock Turner was called a kid. As was Richard Spencer, who is in his early 30s.

Everyone refers to 14 year olds as children because they are children.

Pretty sure she would have been ignored. Remember, you are dealing with a cop that thinks assualt is perfectly ok in response to littering. And you don’t know the extent to which these neighbors deal with each other. They may actually hate one another and the root cause of that being that the white guy doesn’t want to

Because the question of littering is not the point. Someone was assualted. Last time I checked, assualt is higher up on the scale of crimes. That’s like going to an attempted murder scene and asking the victim did they break noise ordinance. It doesn’t matter. The perp should not have attempted to murder them. Period.

Littering is no reason to choke a child. Period. Also, you don’t know all of the facts and the cop doesn’t either because he doesn’t give a shit. He believes it is wholly fine to choke a child whenever you please.

Accusations like this are true and even the Republicans admit that eliminating black voters is the goal.

And what really bothers these white people is that Honeysuckle Lenin is treating them like the rest of us. That’s what irks them.

This wasn’t a mistake. This was a choice. They clearly laid out what they were going to do and others spoke up and said that Trump is dangerous.

The fact that they haven’t released all of the materials lets you know that they are hiding something.

Why do you agree with that? What proof do you have? Are you stating that it is impossible for a white man to assualt a black child?

You do not choke a child, period.