
Year was 1983 my parents had 3 kids 9, 8, and 6. Being young parents they finally had some money to buy a new car compared to used junkers they had been driving for the past 10 years or so. You’d think they’d get a wagon, one of those new mini vans that just came out, sedan, or at least something that sat 5 people

I hope that Pan America has a nice personality. These bikes are basically more conservative Buells. The street fighter looks cool but there is nothing to distinguish it from the many other street fighters available. It is going to be a tough sell, especially with the Harley dealer mindset and the way they treat

David, you have a talent of making mountains out of mole hill articles.

I’d disagree, motorcycles require significantly more maintenance than cars. Depending on the bike tires only last 3k-20k miles, vast majority have chains that require lube every 500 miles and adjustment every couple of thousand, plus they only last for 20k or 30k miles, most bikes require valve adjustment/check every

The average rider only puts a little over 3k a year on their motorcycle so the standard for the Japanese bikes are 12m/unlimited miles. The European brands and Harleys are 24m/unlimited miles.

A Ford 500 with a tuned eco boost. You have the most bland car ever built, it’s not old enough to draw attention to itself with an outdated design, the eco boost would be much quieter than a big V8, no problem with traction with AWD.

IMO, this is completely the tow trucks fault. He clearly was coming on to the racing line for no reason at all. Also for not checking to see if cars were coming or not regardless what he was told by the track staff.  You don’t blindly merge on to a freeway, same with a track. 

Back in the 90s I went four wheeling in Maine with an 89 Cherokee and an early 80s j20 pickup. The Cherokee had a 5 speed and the j20 had a 4 speed with a granny low. The j20 wasn’t in the best shape, it was rescued out of the junkyard, and the Cherokee had some miles on it. While the Cherokee had a better ride it

Sportbikes are not selling that great now either. The types of bikes that are selling are bikes Buell made, usable street bikes that handle decently like the fz7, fz9, sport touring, adventure touring, etc. all bikes Buell would be capable of building.

I could see them getting rid of 89 octane. Who uses that anyways? I have never heard of a car requiring 89 it’s either regular (87) or premium (91). So if the higher octane becomes a reality it would be 87, 91, and 95+.

They are actually hubcaps, since they cover the hub of the wheel. I am referring to the cover over the hub of the wheel and lug nuts. Can you see the the hub or lug nuts in the video? No, you can’t because there is a cover over it. You are probably thinking of wheel covers that cover the whole wheel and not just the

How was this guy allowed to run with his hub caps on?

The price has been lowered to $6500 in the craigslist ad. I might have to reconsider my crack pipe vote.  

I’m guessing there’s no more spots available. The page it links to requires an access code

exactly! My wife has a MKZ and it has the center monitor, 2 small LCD’s on either side of the speedo plus every single button in the car is illuminated. For the first couple of years I didn’t notice it until I drove my 88 Mustang at night and I was like wow this is so much nicer without those screens shining in your

I’ll have to agree especailly at night. I didn’t notice it at first but back lit gauges are much more pleasant at night than lcd screens.

Interesting most of the vehicles are body on frame.

Yes it is, could have sworn last year it was under $130 more likely closer to $100.

My aunt bought one of these brand new. Her husband, who immigrated from Hungary in the 50s, called it “quite luxurious”. I believe he was driving a Horizon at the time.

I’ve seen plenty of millennials on Harleys they just are not new ones. I had a 30 year old co-worker go from a early or mid 2000s sportster to a shovel head hardtail for some reason. It’s more of a case of the boomers had disposal income than millennials at the same age.