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Hm, I wonder if they will sound anything like this?

@chicken543210: The iPhone's Facebook app has been far superior to Androids in every single way. This was a much needed update to bring in some of the base functionality that iPhone users have enjoyed for a long time.

@Xyst: Yeah, It definitely isn't one of Razers best mice, but Razer does make some quality mice. In my personal opinion, some of their mid range can be on par with others highs at times.

@Ryanrule: Same here. A ton of card scanners in my area, but nearly all of them aren't working. They used to, were shut off. Odd.

@Curves: Well put Curves. Well put indeed.

@ps61318: Hm, interesting. I would love to see Pankun (the chimp) on something like Dancing with the Stars. It would be the only time I would ever watch that. haha.

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I mean, sure, that is cool and all. And much cheaper than a segway. But I still prefer the segway for this reason.

@marcndesign: Shouldn't be an issue to root it. The only thing that you are going to have issues with is loading a custom rom.

@MajorGroove: Have you ever actually heard the Companion 5s? Awesome Speakers. I surely didn't get them for the imitation Surround Sound, but that beats none at all. That and they sound great even at very loud volume.

Meh, I'll stick with my Bose Companion 5 speakers. They may only try to imitate the surround sound experience, but they sound absolutely lovely.

@dkhenley: Hm, Odd. Works just fine with my Evo. Are you using the stock Android Browser? Wouldn't think it would make a difference either way though.

@KyleW: Have you thought about an android phone at all? They have excellent voice searching, and a text to speech setting as well.

@beanperry: You forgot Starbucks. They are slowing taking over as well.

@brijazz: I get what you are saying, but you have to remember, this is a CONCEPT, and it is not marketed towards everyone.

@brijazz: The Basket is the same size in both cart and bike form. The baskets don't grow in size.

@brijazz: Well that is why the shopping cart is also a Bike. The bags stay in baskets, and you simply convert to the bike and ride them home.

Man, free internet, and up to 100 Mbps come 2015? Sounds good to me.