I've never considered using tasty as word to describe Four Loko. Stuff gets the job done, but man is it horrible to the taste.
I've never considered using tasty as word to describe Four Loko. Stuff gets the job done, but man is it horrible to the taste.
For everyone complaining about what devices this will and will not work on, and what features it currently doesn't have, please keep in mind that this is still a BETA. It is not finished.
As much as I kind of want to see another Harry Potter book, I do see the point of the article, and kind of agree.
@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): I agree. This clearly shows that at the least, the brain capacity needed to use tools and pass the information along is far less than what we originally thought was needed.
Man, not sure how this movie seemed to have slipped under my radar, but I can't wait to see this. I love a lot of Daniel Craig's movies, and the thought of Aliens in a serious western actually excites me.
Directions from the Columbus, Ohio used to advise to Kayak from California to Hawaii. Then from Hawaii to Japan. At least they have upgraded to Jet Ski's.
@Darkit: Fear not, for my name is Goku, and I will protect this planet.
I can imagine this being a big hit in Mobile, Alabama!
I for one, being a random guy on the internet with no background in anything related to this article, have deemed there is a 50% chance that this guys prediction will be correct.
@RalOberon: Agreed. Mouse has been doing a wonderful job. Awesome to see it recognized!
@marklip: Let me clarify some things here. The Xbox in question may have no HDD, but it is also 100 dollars LESS than the PS3 with the HDD.
@OCEntertainment: Haha, so much win!
I actually think this house looks pretty cool. Wouldn't be terrible for a 1 person home at all, and it is something off the norm.
@Curves: I like to imagine it all as some elaborate dream. One day, the person will wake up, and all will be gone. Haha
@bazookafox: Pure win sir, pure win. That scene was hilarious.
Also, to add to what Jason said, sometimes you may have someone visiting you, and you will be away at work for part of their trip. While you are away at work, the guest packet and other information may very well help them have a good time while you are not around to entertain them.
I will have to remember this. I may be moving out of state soon, and if people came to visit my new place, this would be a great idea.