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He gets to say that because Chuck took Shaq down, and that was when he was old as hell.

Yep, 0->N.

Shit. Did I buy a fake key.for Witcher 3 then? It had been out for 6 months or so, I figured it was reasonable that people might sell them for the $43 bucks or so.

What do you know about this kid?

Sure, I mean, how could she have had anything to do with it?

The Democrats failed to put forth a candidate he trusted. A large part of the nation felt the same.

Him: All lives matter

Sucker punches are bad - but if you say some bullshit you should keep your head on a swivel....

The best thing about this is how graciously she accepted. So funny.

Be it the French Revolution, the Cuban revolution, the Bolsheviks...turning Church or State to the intellectuals ends only when the streets run with blood.

Hey! I agree with this!

MCW has sucked since college. He knows it. That was a great trade for Philly, then and even more so now.

Ha! Just what I thought. The person who wrote that query should indeed get a raise, but isn’t because they are good at remembering shit.

Melenia is fine.

Is that true? It has to go up as well...

Giuliani comes off like a drug addict to me.

Some superstars just seem born to it. He has the game. He has the attitude. But he does not have the look.


I did this, but I had a good reason. I have an incorrectable eye injury due to blunt force trauma and if I hadn’t memorized the bottom three rows they would have taken my driver’s license.

Jake Locker is a multi-millionaire and a public figure. This is a scrub who is way past football.