
I’ll never own a Tesla but I’m not sure how this is different from every other car company that has the Starting at price of X amount but the dealers never seem to carry the starting base models...., ever so it’s like bait and switch anyways.  Maybe some dealer somewhere or at some expo has one but no one can actually

That’s lacking some context and men are actually safer drivers when factoring accidents per miles driven.

It was buried in the end of the study, but here ya go (italicized emphasis mine):

Gotta keep the outrage machine at Gawker turning!

Right? I have pretty low premiums and $10 is still not much compared to my total.

There may be a substantial data set, in which case it wouldn’t take much. What I take more issue with is the headline, which essentially states that one half the population pays more than the other half the time; isn’t that exactly what you’d expect with random variation?

Women pay more than men in half the US

Women pay more for car insurance in 25 states, an amount that has doubled since 2016.

$10 difference on an annual premium cost? I’d like to see the T-test results on this one.

Jokes on them.   The US didn’t lose a single F-35 during the Vietnam war. 

My exact thoughts. Then I felt like an asshole because of the whole human trafficking aspect of it, but still...the fact that it was Bob Fucking Kraft is such a beautiful thing.

This far over-complicates an easy situation. Lots of places have fuel stations where you can’t post pay, so what you’re essentially telling people is pre-pay, pump, then get a refund or have to pay more. This makes the process of getting fuel far longer and more complicated than it needs to be.

And somehow the Patriots will use this as motivation to win another Super Bowl next year.

My car cannot be better than my clients

tell your wife she is irrational....

Part of my job is bench marking vehicles

I doubt you have driven a model 3. My model 3 has no fit and finish issues. Has been trouble free motoring since day one. Best car I have ever purchased.

  • If you have small children with you, protect them by picking them up so they won’t panic and run.

Meanwhile, Tesla charging stations remain the most satisfying places to park your truck.