
Joke’s on them. I already used my GPU money on gas.

My dudes, you have killed Splinter, you laid off a bunch of cool journalists, I have even stuck with you through your auto-play video ads that kill my YouTube video playing in the background, but if you don’t stop these ads that auto-forward my ipad to some “install flash player now!” website with no back button so I

I’m not surprised that they built it (raised tracks are drastically cheaper than underground ones), and I’m not surprised that they stopped using it (elevated tracks are ungodly noisy, and an eyesore for everyone walking underneath them), but........... why didn’t they actually, you know, finish taking it down???

Ask anyone that lives under/near an above-ground train, NOBODY wants that line back (not saying that they would). You would think a person who lived all of their life in New York in the same damn house would be used to the sheer loudness and thundering iron-clanking of the trains above flying at 35mph between 2 stops

Patriots domination of the NFL. Don’t limit yourself.

that basically gifts them a guaranteed six victories annually.

Hmm - doing the real-world math I think the more efficient gas turbine helicopters and big SUVs burn about as much fuel. Say as in your example the chopper burns 3 gallons per one-way trip.

I’m bouta slap some tariffs on this site with the amount of bandwidth these ads take. its like my browser window has parkinsons when loading.

Weren’t you just trying to buy a right-hand drive Cressida full of bees?

Dear readers:

You’re grey in a thread/article if they dismissed your comment, which either means you were a dick, or they dismiss valid comments, which happens. 

Gotta say, that bank is on point with the potential frauds. Hearing “Fan requires $724 worth of beer to get through Dolphins game” sounds uncannily plausible.

You and six other people!

People that don’t like bullet-point/numbered question emails can get out.

I am not sure that it was so much the Honda engines were not good, but more to do with how McLaren packaged the motors in the car. Red Bull made the switch to Honda and has not had nearly the same level of reliability problems and lack of power that McLaren had.

Yeah, but after 20 years of automotive technology innovation, you’d think we’d get more than 5 hp.

I think the O-Line problems for the Patriots are less “they need work” and more all the injuries decimating it.  

The Pats O-line is a hot mess right now. It’s no secret that Brady struggles when he’s forced to move laterally and the Bills were able to do that mostly without bringing extra rushers. Luckily for the Pats their D is really good and the Bills QBs are really bad. The Bill’s D is one of the best the Pats will likely

ALWAYS SAY YES. Best path for career advancement. 

I do hope you realize this car is news worthy and thus on a news site.