Is anything worse than a Sebring?
Is anything worse than a Sebring?
LT1 powered Covettes and Camaros.
ewww, that is a gross thought. Please go rethink you priorities and say three Hail Marys to atone for your sins.
Gronk: “Six of nine?! Nice!”
*Goes up for a leaping high five*
*Injures leg*
Question for Torch: what happened to Meh Car Mondays?
Deep south? We have that crap in Massachusetts!
Let’s not jump to conclusions.
Schools are really cautious about cold weather because of the kids who walk to school or have to wait for the bus. Adults with cars with functioning heat are a different story.
Pay people not to work?! What do you think this is, the federal government?
Pay people to not work? I’m not sure why that seems like a good idea. I don’t think you’ve ever run a small business or been responsible for payroll. That’s not intended to be a slam on you, by the way, it’s just that I can’t imagine someone who knows the stress at looking at those number ALL THE TIME would make that…
These aren’t children, they are adults who can use common sense. People who live in the Midwest (I’m one of them) know how to prepare for the cold and go out in it. You bundle up, get in your car go. I doubt the trek across the parking lot at the restaurant is going to kill anyone. The vast majority of people will be…
Protip: when going outside when it is cold, wear a coat.
This kid has nothing to apologize for. Bloggers like you (because lets be real, no one that works at Giz, Inc is a real Journalist) have been blowing this out of proportion to get your quota of hate clicks. I hope he sues your company like the Hulkster did to your old boss.
Here’s How Alex Zanardi Drives a Race Car Without Legs
bubble wrap entire world.
There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.
Gas cars can’t be fueled at home, which sucks immensely.
Volvo and Tesla should combine forces to outspend dealer lobbyists and get the laws changed.
Huh...I think i figured out her odd speakisms:
R.Kelly is a rapist!
Badu: The touch of an older man comes from a place of experience and wisdom, it can be daunting to a young girl’s mind.
These innocent girls are victims!
Badu: Innocence is a condition where the mind accepts naive thoughts and ideals. She stops playing…
The difference between old money and new money is that new money needs to spend money to impress, old money doesn’t need to impress.