
I didn’t know that either. Not sure why Salty would assume that everyone does. I rarely buy scallops, so I had no idea which was more expensive. Popcorn burgers aren’t really a thing either, but that doesn’t mean that shredded beef is more expensive than shrimp.

That’s where I was until I saw they only asked 1,500 people. And then they had the gall to say “globally”.

I sincerely did not know that scallops are more expensive than shrimp. I learned something today—nice!

definitely helped quarterbacks, but so has coaching. When Deadspin published that article about how their were no good QB’s, the main complaint from coaches was that college programs were not preparing players for the pro game. They were all still looking for 7 step pocket passers that could read a defense or

Given the widespread hang violence in the country, you can’t project USA statistics onto Mexico.

25% tariffs for EU imports?

What are you talking about? It’s one of the best-selling subcompact SUVs on the market — which, admittedly, is a not as hot a segment as compact SUVs, but it’s still good for a solid 8-10k units/mo. If Suzuki is gobsmacked by 1-2k sales in a *year* in their other markets, they ought to be able to make it worth their

Uh, do we live on the same planet? The Renegade is a pretty big success for Jeep. They’ve been consistently selling 100K units of the thing every year. It outsells the Honda HR-V and I think the Chevy Trax.

10/17/2018: Jeff Bezos buys old Rangie for shits and giggles

Your username should probably be Low Road then.

If you visit the Steve Lehto link he points out the bailment on the back of the ticket often has no legal meaning. Same thing with various disclaimer signs up and around the garage. In most places you can disclaim all you want. What actually matters is the law in the particular jurisdiction. Which may, but often does

The writers here have a bit of a socialist bend, “not giving” and “taking” are the same thing to them.

Funny how so few commenters agree with Ryan Felton on this.

Well, I’d chalk this up under the “good news for Detroit” column.

But what’s certain is that Detroit’s missing out on $104 million it would’ve had going forward, if Ford paid the cost itself.

What’s incredible is how few mechanical repairs Jamie has had to do to this machine in the roughly 140,000 miles he’s had it. “[I have never touched] ANYTHING related to suspension or driveline,” he me.

So many great things to say about this, obviously brilliant father with good judgment:

This is Deadspin. He had money. Therefore, he is evil. QED.

Sure, at half the price.