
Yep, loved my e39, hated my e61 due to constant maintenance and designed in failure. How bad was it? I switched to VW and it was wayyy more reliable! 

Generally I would agree that people over complain about the direction of things but I do have to admit that my 2003 E39 6 speed was an awesome car that never had issues. It was awesome amounts of fun to drive and had personality. My 2013 X5 is complete garbage. I say this as a Land Rover owner.. it’s the single most

Then maybe build cars that are not so damn complex, weighed down with excessive amounts of vanity plastic, and more difficult to service than the last model.

Honestly you should see it in the theatre. Right before they take it down though so that there aren’t many people left in attendence. Nothing like watching a movie in an empty theatre

But perhaps no one was helped more than young Patrick Redford, who otherwise would just be remembered as the guy who said “the rest of the card will suck.”

Not unfair, a passenger vehicle’s purpose is to transport people. Doesn’t matter what the form of locomotion is. The main advantage of the electric car is packaging because the propulsive components can be placed throughout the vehicle, versus a single location like the internal combustion engine (ICE). Also, electric

I don’t know that unfair is the right term here. You’ve got two cars that do the same thing (move people and stuff from point A to point B). One of them has different design constraints due to how that thing (the ability to move stuff and people) is implemented and takes advantage of that to deliver better crash

You can certainly stuff a CAD file into a simulator; IDK if that’s the case here, but you can do it.

Those are definitely full physics sims.

Hold on, are you meaning to tell me that the Bengals are 4-1? The Bengals?

Neutral: In the 1960s and early 1970s, no one took Japanese cars seriously. Then came the oil embargos, and suddenly everyone wanted more efficient cars. American consumers were introduced to Japanese build quality, and the rest is history.

(the joke is that it’s plain water)

I’m probably stating the obvious, but this is first and foremost a game, not a water simulation tech demo. As such, there is a tight performance budget you need to work with, especially on consoles, and the developers did the best they could with what they had. Sure, we have the math and tech to do very realistic

This is a terrific article, but this:

Have you ever taken a physics class? Did you pass? With a D? There are so many basic, high school physics class errors in this article. I’m not even going to mention the spelling/grammar errors.  I can’t even.

Honda S2000 both in and out and especially the sound

So do you view his decision not to stand for the pledge as a positive thing? 

Well it does lower the chances to get Skynet... 

This kind of annoys me: