
1. A 20 year old car with less than 2,000 miles will almost certainly deserve a premium.

A JDM conversion will ensure that it’s worthless.

This was THE car back then though. This car represents the pinnacle of affordable Japanese sports car lust. It’s a shit ton of money and yet... I sorta get it. 

5 R32's wtf are you smoking?

Lack of competition from steel imported from other countries means that US steel producers can raise prices. But free markets, right?

American steel producers have raised prices to match those of imported steel.

The fact that we’re all guilty is precisely why standing on a high horse is a stupid move. Deadspin commenters are every bit as vile and cruel as anything you’ll find on reddit or 4chan, which is precisely why it’s so hollow when everyone around here decides to get all righteous for a cause.

Im sure the buyer would get the full story before handing over a check.

Did I miss where Tesla initiated this? As far as I read, a guy volunteered his time on his own. Musk took him up on it and said anyone is welcome.

Who is being taken advantage of? The guy who stepped forward on his own accord to do something pro bono??

If you’re going to charge (what I’m assuming is) a standard delivery rate, I think it’s more than reasonable to expect the pretty universally accepted definition of delivery.

Except it takes way more time to wait for the customer to get their shoes on/get dressed/whatever than to just go up there and give them their food. (I delivered food for six years and it’s insane now that delivery people don’t go to the door, at least here in Los Angeles).

I’m not a usual Jalopnik poster, but as someone who sees Musk’s name show up often, I feel that his fanbase sees him as both an invincible hero and a sick puppy that is about to be attacked by bears, and they (the fanbase) are the puppies’ mom and are going to stand between him and said bears.

At the same time, as a

This is what I thought when I read the headline and then the article. Car fandom is full of all sorts of inexplicable love for a make, model, segment, etc. You gave Ferrari as an example and Torch shat all over it, but maybe if it was a vintage VW restorer having trouble with deliveries, he’d help. He gets the point.

If I wanted it delivered to the street, I wouldn’t have given you my apartment number, and if I had wanted to put pants on, I wouldn’t have ordered delivery.

I also called my friend Christy, who lives in a sixth-floor Manhattan walkup, who has no friends that visit her.

But Audi ran diesel/electric already. Diesel is going to be dead in Europe real soon, there is no path forward for it as a fuel in commuter or racing vehicles, in any configuration.

Do we know for sure it’s a fuel cell? Because you absolutely can burn hydrogen as a fuel source.

The How-I-Work series is really great. I think at the moment you guys hammer out a story (literally) every day after a period of “draught”. Now, what is also interesting is that most of the folks you interviewed don’t really use a task management system or a To-Do list (e.g. Todoist, Things, ...) but obviously manage

I understand what you are saying, but I think the judge wanted these people paid back and the only way for them to do so is for this guy to keep working. So he locks him down on a GPS tracker and makes him work and work so that the folks he scammed get their money back. Seems like a better application of justice.

A few years ago, after perhaps a little too much wine, I obtained my wife’s permission to bid on a car on eBay from a SoCal dealer with no reserve. I won, they contacted me, and the car was delivered as promised. It was all a relief and I was very happy with both the vehicle and the price I paid, which was many