
And here i am working at a major aerospace company on office 2010

Uh yeah, not really. No one at Tesla has lost a job due to this. 

Holy shit this is like 45 minutes from me...

Yes but the difference here is that no one is being forced... they volunteered.

Sheesh i came back to work and have about 1.6 million notifications...

First off, no im not in the market for an 80k (after options) car.

Whats so bad about helping a company you believe in? honestly?

A wrinkle in time COULD have been a decent movie... but it had some serious issues.

Well if we only innovated when we were under attack, we wouldn’t last very long, now would we.


Aftermarket ECU, such as a Haltech

Well lets not kid ourselves, the MK4 was never a cheap car to begin with

This is car design. Leave it “basic” and let the community modify it. Its the same approach that makes the Wrangler hugely successful. I read somewhere that over 90% of American Wranglers are modified in some way. Jeep literally makes it as easy as possible to do this, on purpose.

Just go aftermarket ECU in a couple years

I mean, personally i run middle of the ground but lean to the left. I wouldn’t vote for Trump, but im also not a Hilary fan what so ever.

Uh Western MA resident here, not Eastern... trust me, the only reason we seem red, is because they scream louder. Most people in Western MA are very middle of the ground, no hard core left or right... its just the hard core sides always scream louder.

yeah pretty much

Fun fact, alot of MA cops are pretty liberal. I mean we are a very blue state. 

Mass State Police are currently under huge scrutiny for MASSIVE overtime fraud... HOWEVER. Is this really surprising? Its kind of their job to monitor things like this... like literally their job

A few key points here.