
Working on cars has gone from needing to be a mechanical engineer to an electrical engineer.

How about driving a car? theres risk there too.

I will NEVER understand the cheering arabs comment....

We may be tiny, but we are the smartest (educationally number 1), one of the highest average income states (number 6), and we kicked the British’s ass.

Lift laws are lax in the US? HAHAHA.

My favorite:

“Known for it’s driving dynamics...

Jalopnik Staff:


I know its small, but lately i just simply choose not to get bags...

October 14th is this guys 23rd birthday.

No idea who emails friends these days... why not just text?

haha well i can say things like i work on the NEO engine, and i work on some cool parts like X Y and Z. I just cant divulge specifics. Thats where it becomes iffy. Like basically i cant say “ This part has a life of XXX due to this feature YYYY and its awesome LLLL”.

A few things here.

Funnily enough, i work in aerospace, in an office with commercial, and military current engines, and future military engines....

My company only does yearly reviews, and has terrible vacation policies. My negotiation strategy for this years review is simple.

320 in tips 13 years ago? damn.

Actually hell i FORGOT ABOUT MY BOSS. Dude is a lead on my engineering team. He works as a server on the weekends (to help pay off college debt). He makes more per hourat his server job.... Granted its on the coast so high rollers, but still

Lets put it this way. My girlfriend works as a server or bar tender (depending on the night) at a Longhorn Steakhouse.

As a Patriots fan... i did totally forget who they played in this game...