
It’s amazing how much the Kardashian Klan has been able to monetize their ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE choice in men. I wish I could make a billion dollars off my horrific life choices.

I still have no idea who any of the Kardashian/Jenners are except Kim.

The Big Bang happens again and destroys humanity but especially this show.

How will it end? Amy and Penny pregnant, Amy and Sheldon win the Nobel, Raj gets married and gets what’s her name pregnant. Or they all die in a plane crash flying to India for Raj’s wedding.

Anna became Mother.

4 to 5 sexual partners and 2 to 3 committed relationships by age 27 is literally me. I feel good about it. Sounds like Average Anna and I would be good friends! 

I know it isn’t an issue for the kids attending the school because they come from money and have that safety net

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa WHOA. Nobody said burqa. Hahahahahaha, of course that’s not necessary.  That’s a heathen muslim garment. Jesus loves you and wants you to have greater freedoms than those terrorists. But just, like, one or two more freedoms. Don’t go crazy with the freedom, young lady.

The marriage really did a number on her self esteem, from the sounds of it.

The implied causation presented with those statistics makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out. Maybe her failed committed relationships taught her valuable life lessons that contributed to the success of her marriage. Maybe her abortion allowed her to finish college and achieve her dreams.

Anna sounded fun until she got married. 

Anybody know Anna’s phone number?

Since our stupid Supreme Court blocked the Finnish solution of banning private schools, I think we should do the next best thing and tax the hell out of them. Revoke their tax free status and throw a 100% tuition tax on the parents.

Let me guess, they also feel the need to say they don’t abuse women and are Nice Guys(TM).

Black people’s speech/vernacular often gets picked apart and taken hyper-literally, so this author’s presumption isn’t actually that surprising.

Can we please tie this back to Chris Brown still having a career? Can we name names supporting both of these men and out those people as abusers by proxy? Let's go ham. 

He is in legal control of her life, but there are people who need a guardian because of mental health reasons.  It’s entirely possible that Spears will always have a guardian with her own consent.  Within his guardianship, he does not seem to do anything exploitative or against her wishes.  

I’m thinking about the muggle-born. They would have spent their childhoods using outhouses or chamber pots or whatever in the conventional way, and then they go to this fancy magic boarding school and find out they’re just supposed to piss on themselves? 

Or maybe she’s both a victim of abuse, and an asshole.

I wonder how much of it is keeping a routine and filling time to keep addiction and mental health issues at bay.