
Someone is on deck for a SCOTUS nomination.

You had me until ““soft” pet issues like childcare or reading or hunger.” These aren’t soft issues, 20% of all children in America live below the poverty line, which is $17k for a family of 2. Similarly 1 in 4 kids grow up not knowing how to read. 85% of all juveniles who interface with the justice system are

Well, in our case, it’s that our cat a) loves water, b) is problem-solving intelligent, and c) has figured out that the fridge dispenses water. If he were just a little bit taller on his hind legs, he’d flood the kitchen every day just to give himself a bath.

... sure

I don’t recall seeing many stories about how lonely it must’ve been for Meghan to leave her family (the non-trashy ones) and friends on this continent to move to London and get trashed by the English press.

I usually find Chrissy Tiegen fairly annoying and even in this her “poor me” act was a bit much. But, man, Alison Roman came off so poorly especially in her responses on Twitter.

I caught on to Better Off Ted after it was already off the air, and was late to the “mad it was cancelled” party, but I still showed up! There should have been more of that show. 

I loved Happy Endings and was devastated when it was cancelled. I’ll never not crack up thinking of Penny’s flowy pants from the line Bassett for Angela by Angela Bassett. 

Ryan and Taylor were adorable together! Season 4 was actually a lot of fun.

This! Ryan and Taylor were pretty great together. Of course, I was glad Marissa died. 

Mason’s mistake was naming his insta with “official.” If he’d labelled it masondisick.fandom or some other sycophantic thing I bet he woulda been able to keep leaking stories and breaking the illusions for us for at least a little longer.

I’m assuming you mean the Spanish royal family, and not the entire country? ;) 

But how will the royals maintain their time honored tradition of inbreeding?  

It’s legitimate to question why New York (and many states) use low paid prison labor to produce goods. But, of course they can’t use it. Just like many hospitals don’t have alcohol based hand sanitizers in accessible pumps. PEOPLE WILL DRINK IT! You learn from experience real quick when you have to ban a certain type

The fact that the kid said she shouldn’t quit performing because she makes bank is also incredibly sad.  Britney has long been the family ATM - I wish they showed her more respect.

Mm. That’s assuming it’s actually homophobia and not just unfortunately typical middle-school edginess. There’s a lotta young teens out there use “gay” as an insult, and when confronted they’ll tell you they don’t mean homosexual, they mean uncool. It’s definitely a thing passed around in school yards.

“claims that if he gets 5000 Instagram followers he’ll spill more about his family life”

You don’t remember Moo-Shu?