
Regular tabloid readers and Catholics intersect with ME

Starred for transubstantiation.

“When you have an older-skewing audience, like this film, they don’t come out during opening week. You need some time for the audience to hear about it.”

Starred for transubstantiation joke

“Weird how nobody’s in the mood for a little light gnawing of human flesh in mid-December?”

Gonna look weird when they both pretend to fall at the same time.

That’s what she has to do as a Christian woman, because undoubtedly she’s been forced to shoulder some of the blame for her husband’s infidelity. Because these people are awful.

Not like she has any other options. No education, four (?) kids to take care of, and all the parents (sources of money) won’t let her leave him. I’m not going to call her silly for not having the tools to escape the life they brainwashed her for.

No, you don’t understand. These bitches are clearly only signing up for deadly, demanding jobs because they want to fling themselves at these hot studs. How are these guys supposed to get anything done with hysterical women rubbing their lady parts all over them and then suing the guys because all bitches are out for


Today I learned that Martin Sheen is Charlie Sheen’s father and also that Martin Sheen is not Michael Douglas.

This. It bothers me to no end how disrespectful folks are towards the Office of The President. And I’m convinced it’s a way for people to share their racism without being too obvious because I’ve never seen such disrespect towards any other President.

But what if you kind of need to turn your brain off for a little bit?

Nelly had it right: “What good is all the fame if you ain’t fuckin’ the models?”

here you go :)

Exactly this. There are many forms of physical, emotional and sexual violence that never leave a visible mark. Overuse of the black eye and split lip trope leads people to believe you can spot a victim immediately. You can’t.

Congrats pro-lifers! You have created orphans.

For me, it’s usually more of this:

There very well be mental illness at play here. But mental illness doesn’t equal violence. Plus, as Obama noted a few years ago, the US doesn’t have a monopoly on mental illness. We sadly aren’t even the only country with widespread white male privilege and national political figures who spew out hateful rhetoric that

I am huddled on my couch, clutching my dog for comfort and whimpering the "noooo" over and over.