
My dad played a version of this same joke forever. Whenever he had to give his name for random things like the wait list at a restaurant, he was King, Joe King. And my mom, of course, was Faye. In case you’re wondering, we children were Lee and Mark.

If they made it possible to scrub anyone who posts about keeping refugees out of the US I’d pay money for that. I mean, not much money, but still.

That quote is just about everything I want in politics. Actual plans.

Ha! You caught me. None of us are even literate.

This is a story about a magazine named lucky...

Sometimes I think that Donald Trump’s people are like Mona Lisa and Jean Ralphio from Parks and Recs. They say things Trump wants to hear in exchange for money.

And 18% honey badger.

Now playing

Might be one of the worst titles I have ever seen.
Except for “The Casual Vacancy” or...

Little did they know, the lawsuit was coming from inside the house...

Khloe is the best Kardashian. Kourt can suck an egg. The younger ones I feel I can’t even comment on because they are doomed and it’s like gossiping about a car crash. Kim and Kris I can respect also. Thanks for listening.

I mean it’s ONE banana, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?