
There’s no better reminder of a building that fell over, than a building that looks like it’s going to fall over.

People, please for the love of dog! Please stop bringing your iPads places and using them as cameras!

Nobody wants to look at your fucking iPad display when they are at a tourist place. Use a fucking camera, or your phone at the most!

I get your question/statement, but I feel this idea of doing it in post is like everything being done via CG in movies. We all kind of know when something is CG, but stuff looks better when made with practical effects. So my opinion is that doing the DoF, etc. in camera will always be better.

I’ll pitch in if you you can get them to move there as well.

“This is the big difference here - liberals think government is the answer, conservatives think the people are the answer.”

That might be true if you add “conservatives think corporations are people, and that people with more money have more rights than people with less money” to that mix.

I’m a liberal, and the way I

Its the internet. There’s always ‘that guy’. :(

That's fucking terrifying; I didn't know penguins had a vagina dentata/sarlac pit in their beaks. All those teeth...

So don't need, so very very much want. So cute.

What is this cord even plugged into? IT JUST DISAPPEARS INTO THE BEZEL.

The GOP strategy seems to be: Break the government, campaign on fixing what you broke, profit!

Delia's was the shit. And Alloy. I used to salivate when those catalogs came in the mail.

Nah, the poster was white.

seriously, my replies get held in limbo for years awaiting mods approval but shit spam like this gets through everytime..

If Panasonic puts stock android on this it will sell like hot cakes.

"how do you think the iPhone 6 stacks up?" Not well. It's almost competitive right now, but why would anyone using Android switch to Apple? There's nothing compelling about the HW or the SW. If you want choice, value, and newer HW more often, there's lots of reasons to move from Apple to Android. I can see

i bought my nexus 5 because the 5s and the 5c still had the smaller screen and i'm sure bias of ownership skews my opinion a bit...

Holy shit. Talk about a "once in a lifetime" photo....

This chart misrepresents the data so bad its not even funny. All it shows is how many different devices android runs on. That is not representative of fragmentation, at least not from an app development standpoint.

I think we need to come to a better definition of the word fragmentation.