
That is what we call ignoring the problem. Why are they there is more important than how do we get them out. There are economic factors, most strongly occurring in CA, at play here. Is there a problem with mental health (yes) if so relocating people doesn’t help. Is income inequality a problem (yes) if so

You can get the Crosley Nomad. The only player with speakers from them that has the Audio Technica needle. I think it sounds pretty good as well, highly reviewed. If you want to take baby steps without ruining your records, this may be the player. I got it because I didn’t want to invest yet but I’m sure soon enough I

Must be the data vis/market researcher in me but I wish that they kept colors consistent. Really hard to follow when black people are black in one chart then green in another and then blue in another. Interesting data and I appreciate that Cali is being open about this. This can bring about good conversation backed by

Sorry but Facebook is not the true indication of anything regarding this. Let us think of the other social media platforms or methods of communication. Texting? Lol is still used a lot. I would never “lol” on Facebook. I will agree with emoji becoming more important - I’d wager that the smiley emoji with tears is the

Let me summarize. The cost of energy means nothing when the cost of disasters caused by climate change end up driving up health care, disaster relief, insurance, food, etc. People think so short term. Is coal, natural gas, oil and all these resources infinite? Spoiler: NO. So why do we put all our eggs in the basket

Dude, read up on past regulation, you have your facts crossed.

Say what? People have no power, businesses and rich people have power. Government is there to keep those with excess in check so that us 99% don’t get screwed over (not that it does the best job at it, but at least it is something). Considering many companies are turning record profits with plenty of regulation, I

Wow, way to ruin penguins for me. What's next? Pandas?!

Um this is complete BS. SO, because I do not buy into the Apple market I cannot take advantage of HBO in stand alone form? I have an Android phone, iPad, and then all of my streaming devices are Chromecast or Roku. This is 1) bad for the consumer and 2) a stupid decision clearly determined by some ridiculous sum of

And battery? Because that's really all I care about at this point, my next phone better last a full day with heavy usage - shouldn't be too hard in 2015 manufacturers!

This doesn't make it any more appetizing (not that it ever was). I'll take normal slow food any day of the week.

/thread - best comment

This is a dream. Completely disconnected, just strictly exploring the world for all its wonders and is travel partner ended up being his soul mate. I would love to have the same type of journey... In awe of him (and his wife, RIP).

You are fixating on the same things over and over. The person is pretty clear. If you own an Apple device (aside from a computer) you are stuck in that ecosystem. If you leave, you also leave a lot behind. If you are on Android, or anything Google, everything works and can be found across platforms and devices.

I use a Nexus and still am lost on the memory card argument people keep bringing up. There are more substantial things that Apple is missing the mark on but I don't believe this is one. They're offering 64GB and 128GB phones... what in the world do you need a memory card for?! There's enough free/cheap cloud

iPhone is a no go for me until they fix the issue of every damn app I have installed is on my homescreen. Sure they've made a lot of strides but man does that kill it for me. It's like the people whose desktops are littered with their documents. Blegh. I moved to Android after the 4S came out and have not looked

iPhone is a no go for me until they fix the issue of every damn app I have installed is on my homescreen. Sure they've made a lot of strides but man does that kill it for me. It's like the people whose desktops are littered with their documents. Blegh. I moved to Android after the 4S came out and have not looked

Slightly confused on why only the Plus gets people's pictures in SMS...? I have a Nexus 5 and pictures/text works just fine on 5".

1) No way in hell these are the most beautiful women - Rosie has amazing features but she's not a beauty per se 2) No other ethnicities? Let's be honest here. The most beautiful and captivating people are mixed races.