
I had an undocumented worker using my ssn to work. It merged her name with my credit file and caused a lot of headaches. What Garcia did is wrong and she should have consequences. Those consequences should not involve being torn apart from her family however.

Not to mention the fact that she’s a living example that the “blah blah blah, illegals cost us trillions of dollars” argument is total horseshit. Her crime here is paying into Social Security, which she won’t ever collect. Goes without saying, but it WILL cost a ton of money to deport people. Fuck this cruel, stupid,

Right? She gave a false SSN in order to WORK. You know, so she could pay taxes and contribute to our society. I swear to God, these Republicans have no fucking souls.

What the fuck is wrong with you? How has any undocumented worker ever negatively impacted your life? Was it all the taxes they pay (10B/annually)? Or the jobs they do that citizens who were born here don’t want to do? Are you just bothered that many undocumented workers don’t speak english? (Because fun fact - America

not only that but what happens to her kids? it says she was married but is that the children’s father? there are a lot of kids who are citizens and their parents get deported... and guess what? they end up in the foster care system, which in itself is a really huge ethical, moral issue, but COSTS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS

It’s going to result in taking people out of their communities where they work and pay taxes to put them in taxpayer funded detention centers indefinitely. Oh and what happens when you make 2 parent families into one parent families? Let’s see the remaining parent may be forced to rely on government assistance

Jesus christ. With all of the problems law enforcement and our legal system need to be concerned with... we’re fucking throwing out human beings like we’re throwing out the trash. Dammit people! Just... dammit.

I don’t know how old you are, but if you’re in my age range (30-40), then I might be able to understand what you are talking about. I remember chat rooms and one conversation in particular that occurred when I was 15 that actually made me call my dad in to scare off some inappropriate dude.

No offense, but if you think it’s possible to keep a 14 year old from the internet you’re really dumb.

Also where are the parents of this poor girl.

I’m surprised it isn’t. This judge needs to be removed ASAP.

Judge Randy Stoker should be bombarded with actual mail to his home address, since, ya know — he hates the Internet and thinks it’s a good excuse for rape. But since I’m not privy his home address, he can be reached here:

I drove one when I was 8. It was fun until I slammed the brakes over a small creek bed and threw my stepfather headfirst into a barn (we were both okay, thankfully).

And she’s 8. What kind of judgment do 8 yr olds have? But it is very sad. I’m sure the parents will second guess themselves without us. It’s very hard to have your child in ICU with tubes and wires.

Kids are thrown off ATVs and into trees all the time, or headfirst into the ground, or they’re thrown off and then the ATV rolls over them. So the harness and helmet can save lives, usually. But the best thing is not to let your kid ride on an ATV at all.

Seriously, I don’t know how this would seem like a good idea. But I feel so terrible for the family, what a fucking nightmare. That poor little girl was probably having a blast and just like that it’s a tragedy. I went to JL’s Instagram and it’s very obvious they adore their daughter and wanted to let her try

Sending good vibes her way and wishing her a speedy recovery. It’s horrifying to hear about any child injured in any way. And I hope that other parents in the area think twice before they let their young kids drive them. I know you can’t protect your children from everything, but some risks just don’t seem worth

I agree. Unfortunately, here in the rural South, where there’s not too much else to do, ATVing is super common. Our state government (I live in Kentucky) has spent many years just trying to get parents to strap their kids in and have them wear helmets, because accidents where kids are thrown free of the ATV or it

I’m local to the Spears’ of all ages are on ATV’s around here. Kids ride them all up and down my road. My heart goes out to the family...Maddie goes to dance with a co-worker’s child. Sweet girl.

They crash and roll regularly, so seat belts “help” prevent massive injury in these scenarios. ATVs are basically horrible in every conceivable way.