
I’m well aware. She said this after originally saying “no comment,” pretty much being forced into it by pressure from the online response and the media. She said, “Bernie disagreed...but but but but I don’t want to discuss any further yada yada UNITY yada.” Mealy-mouthed, purposefully ambiguous garbage. Her last,

But what I’m saying is that to my understanding the Bernie campaign did the opposite of what you are saying, and told their volunteers to keep things positive with regards to Warren. Then Politico somehow got a hold of a internal “slack post” from a first time poster suggesting negative talking points about Warren,

Don’t try to talk sensibly here...people just want to complain about how much they hate Bernie Bros. 

Very well-said!

There are literal e-mails showing Clinton’s campaign worked with the DNC to steal the nomination from Bernie, but somehow Bernie supporters are the evil ones for feeling sour after that. It’s ridiculous how in the quest to see a female president, people will ignore outright facts. Elizabeth Warren has been caught

I held my nose and voted Hillary last time. Never again. All these blue dogs and Manchin really making a difference.

Genuine apologies (I mean it) if you’re not intending to do so but your framing is 100% the approach of people who want folks to vote Dem but focus on anything but improving their material conditions. It’s toxic to organizing, toxic to movement politics, and toxic to the goal of attaining and wielding power.

This is complete nonsense, I know a bunch of working class folks who registered to vote for the first time to vote for Bernie. Sure the working class folks who already vote republican stay the same but Bernie inspires working class folks who normally sit it out to get involved.

Hm, I think you’re being wildly overgenerous in this reading of the comment, which to me seems like the standard-issue liberal maneuver of eliding class dynamics while paying lip service to “intersectionality” — the old “how would breaking up the banks fix racism?” gambit. If someone mentions the need to engage the

“He turned out too many first-time voters” is not the biting criticism you think it is

Sanders supporters are the poorest, most diverse base of any candidate. 

This. Consider the abuse and disrespect Nina Turner and Briahna Joy Grey encounter everyday from Centrist zealots.

The idea was half cynical meme, half sincere lament, but it effectively poured salt on the post-election wound.

Bernie supporters and our relatives are literally the folks being separated from our families; we are losing loved ones due to no health care access; we are losing our loved ones due to American foreign policy; we are literally the folks experiencing the impacts of climate change directly.

So you are worried that they will act the way hillary fans acted in 2008.

the majority of bernie supporters voted for clinton and in higher rates than clinton ppl voted for obama in 2008. more of them defected to mccain than sanders voters went to trump. you are peddling a long-dispelled lie.

I’ve spoken to actual former staffers of hers who are terrified of speaking on the record because her political influence in MN is so strong they’re fearful of their careers being hampered.

She threw a binder at a staffer, not a muffin. Frequently berates staff. Punished staff that took family leave.

At least she’s in congress, which works more closely with the president than South Bend, IN. 

Gabbard doesn’t get the attention Mayor Pete gets, though.