
Pictured: Bernie, Never Protesting

Lifelong integrity in the fight is something important Bern has over Warren. It’s hard to trust politicians, so it’s hard for many to get behind someone who changed her views sooooo drastically

Ah, yes. The one inaccuracy in that whole movie.

Look who has no idea what progressivism is. Elizabeth Warren is NOT a progressive. If you really care about progressivism, you’ll back the only progressive candidate. Not one who proposes watered down half-measures that are meant to show she’ll keep towing the establishment line.

Maybe they care about policies? Novel idea I know.

You can hear straight from Ilhan’s mouth. It’s likely AOC will have similar reasoning:

“Holds virtually the same positions...”

His policies.  You know, the same ones AOC has.

I’m looking forward to 3/4 of The Squad hitting the trail with Bernie to help spread the message.

[I am not trying to convince you here; just to offer an alternative perspective if your question was not rhetorical. Thanks for your patience if you took the time to read this.]

Sanders is honest and Warren is a liar.

weird cruel and grotesque

Did anyone mention not voting for Warren over trump because of her NA issues? Sounded like they’re talking about voting for Sanders instead of Warren because of it. Also, half your rant but especially the last sentence sounded super anti-Native. FUCK.

Yeah but if you kick Ryan Adams out of the recording industry then who else is going to make mediocre albums that make me wish I’d just listened to the Flying Burrito Brothers instead? 

Fred Durst disagrees!

I found that while most people seem to agree that some of Love Actually’s storylines are better than others, there’s very little consensus on which are the good ones and which are the bad ones. (Well, except for the “comedic” runner about Kris Marshall’s Colin getting laid in America, which seems to be pretty

My wife and I both like Love, Actually and watch it every year during the holidays. Watched it again last weekend, actually.

Bill Nighy walks away with this one, though I understand that Liam Neeson and the son have a pretty dang cute story too. Otherwise, man this movie did not age well.

“...except for the “comedic” runner about Kris Marshall’s Colin getting laid in America, which seems to be pretty universally reviled.”

“Kids...listen to your uncle Billy. Don’t buy drugs...become a rockstar and they GIVE them to you for free!”