
Lol, Sen. Klobuchar has logged on, folks.

‘Well, now the only shiny new toy left to play with is Amy Klobuchar’

Remember when his campaign claimed all that black support when email recipients didn’t officially opt out? Ever looked into his record as a mayor in South Bend?

Lol @ ‘small dollar support’

Bernie Sanders & Stacey Abrams are not at all compatible politically. Like, Biden might even be to her left.  I don’t get this at all.

We need to do better than this. This isn’t a fucking football game. Bloomberg is downright odious & I’m with the OP.  No fucking way I’d vote for Bloomberg (especially assuming the almost certain ratfuckery which will have occurred if he’s ultimately the nominee).  

Agreed fully, it’s downright appalling.

Lol, it’s funny (well, maddening is more apt) what a free pass Obama gets on this.

On this site?  I’d damn near venture that might be the consensus actually.  

Well, besides that stuff..

‘How is it even remotely possible that the Democratic leadership seems to be fucking us over right now.’

Ha ha good KInj, wait. Is this sarcastic?

‘Bernie gets at least a third of the vote in any of these contests, and this kind of shit doesn’t happen.’

Amen! These are not small things that you’re hoping for and they shouldn’t be dismissed as pie-in-the-sky or whatever the binder throwing status quo enforcers of the world would have you believe.

Well, I mean, he’s going to fucking try. That alone is more than I can assume of just about any of the other candidates and stands as one of Sanders’ most compelling virtues.  He’s going to try.  

I mean, I flat out said I didn’t need a response but whatevs, I guess. Yeah, she has had a propensity to embellish/lie to say the absolute least. I can’t imagine you need examples but feel free to type some keywords in the internet search engine of your choice & give it a go if you are unaware (& operating in good

That’s some 1st class ageism at the end there, but are you seriously holding up honesty as a purported strength of Elizabeth Warren’s? I don’t really need a response or anything,just sort of incredulous honestly.  

Lol, a few?  A few?  ;)

It’s absurd & intentionally obtuse. Bad faith city. Not exactly out of character for this site (& what passes for political journalism) these days though.  

Mayo Pete seems to almost entirely propped up by the media. Problem is that the more most people see of him, the less palatable he becomes.