
Very cool film.

Yeah, I'll still unabashedly vouch for The Simpsons straight up through mid-1998, probably.

I saw it in the late summer before my senior year (I already had the soundtrack) & the local "indie/off the beaten path" theater & it really was an onslaught to the senses. I haven't seen it in years but I concur that it was terrific & fun (somehow).

He used to be a decent enough looking guy though, right? He always looked like he could've been the (much) older brother of the kid from Almost Famous imo & maybe even a slight Jeremy Renner resemblance in his younger years.

Agreed - especially that last scene. Oh, that last scene..

1) Summerteeth (easy choice personally)
2) Being There
3) YHF
4) AM
5) A Ghost is Born
6T) Sky Blue Sky/Star Wars
8) Whole Love
9) self titled

Agreed, that song seems to almost always be a live highlight.

I tend to agree with you.

Summerteeth is hands down their apex to me. It may be the best U.S. major label release of the late 1990s.

-The AV Club

Great soundtrack too (obv).

So, nothing's changed?

I am a big fan of both but I'm not so sure of that. I'd probably side with New Order myself.

Ouch, babe.

I think there's a funny quote from him in that infamous NY magazine piece (about the awful 1994-95 season) where he mock-knowingly states that his next step was probably the dinner theater circuit given his career trajectory at that point.

That was always Will Ferrell for me in the late 1990s/early 00s. You could've told me he was 28 or 45 as either seemed plausible.

Let's hope so.

Was Carvey's take really that pointed though? I always just thought his Bush was more or less a nonsensical goofball with little real commentary on the man or his time in office. I would agree that his is the most memorable depiction of a president on SNL however (though my relatively young age at the time could be

I bet they give great helmet too.

That was a great part for him, agreed.