
I was at Bloodbath and Beyond and they had those goddamn MyPillows for sale. Both sizes had a pic of the guy and in both he had the cross prominently displayed.  Ish...

She was the 2nd wife though, right? Didn’t he scandalously leave his first (fellow author) wife who helped co-create a lot of his work after an affair with the married Audrey?

Have you written a memoir? Because you really should. Your stories delight me to no end, especially your family stories.

I just remembered another one.

This isn’t really so horrifying but it is memorable.

Indeed. Soon my comments will require footnotes.

Nobody's business but the Turks.

But it’s a great cat name for those of us who remember.

It seems to me she just says things to make headlines, whether they resemble the truth or not. Its like behavior of a precocious five year old who gets laughs from adults for saying shocking things...but the adults are starting to get bored with it.

Not Constantinople?

Same. There’s no way it wasn’t planned. They want people to be talking about them to keep in the public eye. Cardi is a glorified 1 hit wonder who is trying to stay relevant. Wouldn't be surprised if they get a reality show soon. 

He’s a modern Icarus, rly...

Jezeus, we’re old.

I feel a Jane Fonda joke is missing here.

I’m just going to be that old lady and say that this falls under, “things you don’t need to share with the class, Cardi B.” I have to think there’s some space between being sex-positive and telling anyone who’ll listen that you want your trifling ex’s dick to “destroy” you. Sheesh.

I’m canceled…… ;€

Seems to be a bit of an inaccurate story. Harron is bad.

I’m just a Nobody, but I’ve been thinking about Pete constantly. No one knows his struggle the way he does but I can empathize. I hope he finds the help he needs. I’m in the process of finding my own help and I envy the friends he has that have his back. He is so lucky and I hope he sees that, through the darkness.

This evening, my friends and I wanted to really experience the feminist side of the internet so we went to Jezebel. There aren’t enough words to describe how awful it was.