Smittius Prime

I assume the last part is a joke I'm missing but I still have to confirm. You're kidding right?

Rose was a terribly written and unnecessary character BUT harassing Kelly Marie Tran is absolutely disgusting and completely indefensible. Am I doing this right?

I honestly didn’t even remember he was in GOT until this article.

Yeah you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Academy grads can only select Pilot not the specific pipeline. That comes later. And you can only get Supply Officer under specific circumstances (colorblind, injury, etc.) Otherwise they commission unrestricted line officers. Bottom of the class will get you

Well as a current member of the US military who has served with transgender folks: THIS IS A FUCKING TRAVESTY! Of all the vile shit that this disgusting little man has spewed this may be the very worst.

I have to say I am liking what I’ve seen of Hela in Ragnarok so far. She seems to take such delight in being evil. Cate Blanchett is nailing it.

I think Cyborg, Batman’s suit, and the Flash’s suit (the wires at least) look like absolute trash. To each their own I guess.

Unpopular opinion on this site but I could not agree more. Wanted a fun new sci fi series that might even ask some difficult questions now and again. Got another mediocre police procedural that happened to have androids. (But but the arcs...Yeah yeah it was still lame.)

I mean they typically have social security numbers associated with them which would denote gender right?

Two singles and JJ can’t score from third?! Christ’s she must be hungover.

I mean why do you think Sylvester Stallone is in the movie?

First: As others have stated read the article. Second: Ooooooooorrr teach your children how to properly handle dangerous weapons. Not pointing them at themselves or others is a good start.

They all float down here...

Raiders and Last Crusade both take place in the late 30's prior to the US entering WWII. It’s heavily implied (almost outright stated) in Crystal Skull that Indy directly participated in the war effort once the US started fighting.

The director certainly divorced himself from any understanding of the characters that's for sure.

This is the most hilariously relevant comment with regard to the initial metaphor.

Wasted potential?

More like cherry bombing his music am I right? You know cause in GotG he's got...You know what nevermind.

These other comments are slander.