
England win on PKs, testicular protection.

Ew! I ate only a few hours ago, and some day I hope to eat again. But not soon.

Definitely don’t want to see any of the PDA with that.

But what about jamoke compared to jagoff?

Once his attention-whoring doesn’t work any more I’ll suspect in not so many years he’ll OD with (or as) a rent boy. 

And there is the inherently problematic nature of how private prisons operate. 

This comes to mind.

We should definitely pour one out for him.

I think Stephen Miller formulated my toothpaste. It offers “extreme whitening”. 

Report: LeBron Doesn’t Want To See Your Damn PowerPoint Presentation”

So maybe Ms. Guilfoyle can now recuse herself from commenting on how women in this administration are covered. Or she might choose to be an ethically bankrupt fuckpuppet.

In our current cultural moment, high-profile visual art generally equals money-driven fuckery.

Yup. I fear the “Lite” part can disappear with a quickness.

It’s the latest chapter in the ongoing tension between vocational and liberal arts education in America. No need for pesky critiquers, just STEM workers.

If only 45's grandfather hadn’t infested this country.

Every time I hear about one of these rallies I think “Nuremberg Lite”.

I am reminded (courtesy of of the following lyrics from The Police single “Rehumanize Yourself”:

We’re having lunch there on Thursday. It will be interesting to see if there any after-effects.

She doesn’t want to be putsched around.

People can say what it wants, but I’m pretty sure that hat is a Calatrava.