
You asked this question in English, and not in Russian (or German), so I would say yes, they are good at their job.

Dude, you’ve already made this joke today, let it go.

Drug dealing is 100% commision-based pay, no overtime.

I’m not enjoying this season of “The Wire” at all.

Road crew workers hate him! See why!


I’m sorry. That was bad. What I meant to ask was “Any word on to where he was Russian?”

They’re like GTA civilians.

Looks like he french fried when he should have pizzaed.

Or, being Russia, BAC was found to be .075 lower than recommended

Headlines lost to history: “Russian, Japanese Forces Decimate Poles”

In communist russia the pole positions you

“...the pride of attaining that perfect heel/toe downshift while counter steering ever so slightly out of some off camber oversteer?” Ayrton, is that you? If the described action (heel-toe shifting —not generally necessary in my close-ratio Miata, but ok—in a corner—generally not advised, particularly if the road is

To connect this with another blog topic, that’s big enough to soak up an X6

Panameras - they truly are a fright./I can no longer watch your vids. Goodnight.

I’ve always kind of thought of it more along the lines of “most people aren’t car people. They probably drive up to *insert brand* lot and just get whatever tickles their fancy that day.” I wouldn’t literally disassociate from someone that owned any particular car, but I do make judgements based on their choice in


Maybe use black spray paint.......

Big dick hole.