Shots fired indeed. From the world’s lamest and most overused gun.
Shots fired indeed. From the world’s lamest and most overused gun.
Beadle is aces in my book. She made fun of it initially, decided to give it a chance, wound up liking some aspects of it, then cracked a few jokes about it.
There is no way an NL team has a designated tweeter.
Actually, it’s about ethics in NASCAR journalism.
Being a shitty person (and I 100% agree) is not the same as comiting the crime of domestic violence
[Looks at gray comments]
We’re talking about the reasonable doubt that some fans still have as to whether Busch did or didn’t commit an act of violence against an ex-girlfriend.
Ugh, fuck this and fuck NASCAR. Can we talk about the positively bonkers Indycar race at Barber today instead? I thought the new aero kits were going to make that race a parade, but it was anything but.
But why male drivers?
Worth noting here: the individual who identified as a woman their entire life but lived that life as a man and has now come out as transgender, is far and away the most genuine, non-attention-whore individual in the family.
Where can we find the uncut, NSFW video of this?
Guys who always suck, in no particular order:
no, it teaches the kid to drive. if you want to raise a poor driver; give them some FWD, automatic CUV. this will actually teach somebody the art of self-preservation behind the wheel. plus you can take your son to a local track day and have fun together.
“widowmaker” ... “twitchy” ... “lift off oversteer” ... Spoken by those raised on pushing FWD pigs...
I for one welcome our new basebrawl overLordes
Chris Rock predicted this fight.
What about Ace?
Chrysler Crossfire, not actually a bad car mind you as it is basically an SLK, in fact I work with someone who owned a mid ‘00s SLK and now a brand new SLK, both with metal folding roofs and bought a crossfire for their winter beater... but still the pop up spoiler was a bit out of place on a Chrysler